𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 2

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The next day I woke up before my normal time on saturdays. I was woken up by a clicking, immediately knowing what it's from. My beloved roommate Wednesday was currently writing on a book and she did it oldschool, with a typewriter. This permanent clicking was so terrible, I was already in a bad mood at 6 in the morning.

When I was done in the bathroom, I went to my bagpack to look for an outfit. I decided for a black long v-neck sleeve, that showed some cleverage and a beige cargo pants and my converse, of course.
I also applied my usual makeup. Eyeliner, some blush and a nude lipstick. I was looking quite good, once in a lifetime being happy with myself.

On the way to the library Ms. Weems walked into me. When she noticed it was me, this angelic smile, I loved to see, returned to her face.
"Hii Ms. Weems!", I said entusiastically, being happy to see her today this fast.
"Hey Y/n ! How was the first night at nevermore?" she also seemed happy to see me.
"Well... it was quite good exept that Wednesday was writing through the whole night and the clicking from the typewriter was really annoying."
"Ohh...next time tell me, please. She isn't supposed be be awake the whole night either way." She told me comfortingly while one  of her hands rested on my shoulder, the spot tingled under her touch and I was definitely blushing. Her voice, her face everything about her was so pretty, oh dear. "Ehm-Thank youu, Ms.."

Hell I was falling and I was falling hard. Y/n contain yourself! Stop stuttering !!

"By the way are you on your way to the library? I was too, let's maybe go together?" She more asked than said. Is she shy around ME now?
"Yes of course, I would love that, let's go then." I responsed afer a while with a warm smile on my lips.

In the library our ways parted. She had to prepare some lessons for monday and I wanted to find out a bit about the history of nevermore. I searched for a librarian, because I didn't find the books I wanted.
I saw a red haired woman standing on a little stool to organize some books, facing me with the back.

"Hi, excuse me?" , I politely asked to get the redheads attention. She hopped off the stool and turned around and when she did I analysed her. She was some inches smaller than me and wore a blue overall, combinated with red boots. Her eyes lit up when she saw me.
"Oh hi, you must be the new student, Y/n right? I am Ms. Thornhill, the only normie teacher here, how can I help you?" the woman was talking like a waterfall, but seemed really friendly. "Yes, hi Ms. Thornhill. Nice to meet you, I am actually searching for some history books of the nevermore story. If there's anything?" A big smile spread across her face.
"So we have a little history lover here, how interesting... Come with me I'll show you some."

The rest of the day I sat in the library reading and reading and reading.
Sometimes Ms. Thornhill came up to me, looking how I'm doing. I already became quite friends with the red haired woman. When I was younger, I always was around my teachers talking with them. At a very young age I was already told I wasn't acting my age and that I am very mature for my age and stuff. I think that's why I only got older friends and also like older women.

Out of my trance I realized, that it's already dark outside. A glare to my silver pocketwatch told me it's already 6 pm. My eyes widened and I hurried to pack everything up. According to the grumbles coming from my stomach, I was hungry. No shit Y/n. I was in the library for about 10 hours without eating anything.

I hurried to the entry of the library, where I was met with a certain blonde. "Y/n, y/n, y/n. Were you in here the whole day? I missed you at lunch, aren't you hungry?" At the perfect time my stomach grumbled loud enought for Ms. Weems to hear. She chuckled to herself and then added "Well, I see. Or better hear. Let me take you to dinner, darling." she was chuckeling again.

Darling? DARLING?! Yes she wants to murder me.
I blushed creeped up to my cheeks at the nickname, what is she doing to me, jesus christ. I cleared my troat once again, but nothing came out this time so I just nooded smiling, hoping that would be enough for an answer.

At dinner I sat with Ms. Thornhill and Ms. Weems. It wasn't that weird than I thought, because I was the oldest student here either way. I was already 20 so it wasn't that weird that I rather sat with my teachers, than with the other students, trough I got some weird glances from some of them.

After dinner I said my goodbyes to Ms. Thornhill and Ms. Weems and went off to my shared room with Wednesday. I was already in bed the light off, happy that Wednesday wasn't writing once again. My eyes were already closed when my happiness quickly flew away when I heard the familiar clicking once again and saw a small light across the room going on. "What the Hell! Can't you write for one night or do it when I am away anyway, it's so fucking annoying!" I furiously screamed in Wednesday's direction.

"No. I write when its dark, because the darkness motivates me most of the time. I won't stop just because of you." I heard the cold and monotone voice of no one else than Wednesday saying, without stopping her writing.

I was so angry that I didn't even say a word while storming out the room, letting the door crash in it's lock behind me. Ohh how Wednesday will regret this.

- c :))
Btw ms. Thornhill isn't a traitor in my story because she's way to cute and she's bestie material^^

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