𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 5

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The next day I woke up completely cuddled up with Larissa and suddently the memories of last night came back into my mind. My head rested in the crook of Larissas neck and her head was on mine. Our legs and arms were tangeled together.
I was truely happy with my situation and hoped that Larissa felt the same.

"I could wake up like that every morning." I mumbled to myself.
"Me too" a familiar raspy voice suddently wispered. I turned my head to Larissas face looking into her blue ocean eyes.
"I wanted this since I first laid my eyes on you..." I confessed sleepy to her.
"Well...Let's say the feeling is quite mutual..." Larissa responsed before pecking my forehead.
"Are you hungry?" "Very." she chuckled at my confession and slowly pulled herself out of my grip.
"Well then let's go !"

We went to breakfast together and once again I had a lot of fun with Larissa and Mrs. Thornhill. Of course we didn't say anything about last night.
Larissa also talked to Wednesday, about writing at night and such. Came out that Wednesday is allowed to write in the library at night and I was very happy about finally getting my sleep.

After breakfast our ways parted, I went back to my room and Larissa wanted to do some paperwork in her office. In my room I took a long hot bath with candles and lavender bubblebath. I smiled to myself thinking of a certain blonde for the thousand's time this day. I knew it was to early to say it but i throught I was in love with Larissa Weems, my headmistress.


This night I finally got some sleep dreaming of my beloved headmistress. I got dressed in black slacks and a grey cropped sleeve. While I was doing my everydays eyeliner, suddently a question came up to my mind.
How is this supposed to get going? I mean I'm an adult and can do what I want but I am still a student here... I definitely must talk to Larissa about this.

My way to breakfast was shorter than I had in memory, probably because I throught of how I should tell Larissa what's on my mind.
When I arrived at breakfast, I still hadn't the solution. Crap. I put on my best smile and walked towards Larissa and mrs. Thornhill, who already noticed my preserence and smiled at me.

"Hey Y/n, did you sleep well?" mrs. Thornhill asked while I was chewing on a tomato. I know it wasn't supposed to refer to what I did with Larissa last night but I almost choked on my tomato and I saw from the corner of my eye, that Larissa's cheeks went a slight pink.
"Yes,yes I slept well, exept Wednesday you know..."
"Oh yes of course, but this problem is solved now, right?" I just nooded while looking to Larissa who is quietly chuckling.

"La-mrs Weems, can I talk to you after breakfast?" I nervously asked Larissa who was taken by suprise.
"Yes of course, anytime." She smiled but I know the unknown made her nervous too.

After breakfast I went with Larissa to her office, on our way both of us didn't say a word. Larissa opened the door and held her open for me with a smile for me to enter first.
"What a gentlewoman." She just winked at me before I entered and I heard the door fall in its lock.

"What do you want to talk about with me?" Larissa asked after the long silence.
"Well- How do you think this..." I motioned between us "...is going to go on?" Larissa mumbled something but I didn't understand. "Sorry?"
"I said I don't know either...Listen y/n. I like you...a lot actually. I want this to go on, we both are adults and can do or not do what we want. Yes I'm your headmistress, but I think we can handle it, right?" Now she was standing right in front of me, her eyes seemed to pierce through my body. Her glare was so intence, I didn't get out a single word.
"I want a response, darling."

Larissa calmly wispered near my lips. I cleared my troat and managed to let out a quiet 'yes'. When this word escaped my lips, Larissas lips found mine quickly. We both moaned into the kiss, so desperate for each other. "God Larissa..." I breathed out between serveral sloppy open mouth kisses.
"Yes darling?" she innocently asked as if she didn't know what I was refering to.
"Fuck me."
"With pleasure."

I think we all know what's coming next ;)
Any ideas how it should get going?

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