𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 4

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That was everything I needed to pull her in for a kiss, finally connecting her smooth lips with mine. At first it was just our lips pressed together; innocent.
But it didn't last long. Her tongue asked for access and I let her in. While we were kissing I pushed her into the matress, motioning for her to lay down. Then I climbed on top of her caressing up and down her waist and torso.
She still had a tshirt on but no pants or panties, caused of the previous action. My kisses slowly went down to her chin, jaw and then neck. I was sucking and licking on some spots, clearly leaving small purple hickeys all over her neck. At this point she already was a wimpering and moaning mess under me. "Oh holy...please" Mrs. Weems or Larissa I am supposed to say moaned right beside my ear, biting my earlobe. "I want you..." jesus christ my panties are ruined.
" As you wish my woman. "

With that I pulled her tshirt over her head to get her finally completely naked. She wasn't wearing a bra, probably because she was already in bed...me too.
When all the fabric left her body I was mesmerized by her beauty. My hands trailed over Larissas whole body.

I was starstruck.

Larissa seemed to get nervous because I said nothing, so I looked her deep in the eyes, showing her all the love I have. " You are so beautiful Larissa."

I once again I pulled her in a kiss but this time we both put all our emotions in it, it was a loving one.
Some seconds later my lips trailed down, ending at her chest. My fingertips caressed her breasts lightly as a feather.
I sucked her left breast while my the other was pinched between my index and thumb. Her moans got louder and it was like melody to my ears.


I finally slid my index finger through her soaking wet core. I know I caught her by suprise when she exhaled sharp once. Then I placed two fingers at her entrace and looked up to her.
"Are you sure you want this?"
"Yes, yes I want this...with you"
I think she saw the joy in my eyes, because she smiled not only with her pretty lips but her eyes.
Then finally I pushed two of my digits in her, her eyes immediately rolling in the back of her head and Larissa moaned louder than ever before.

"Yes Y/n OH JESUS"
"Larissa love, spread your legs a bit more, please."

No two seconds later she spread her legs even wider than before. I went down between her legs and inhaled her scent before I laid my lips around her clit never stop pumping in and out of her.

"Oh y/n YES!"

With that she came and came hard over my fingers and mouth. I let Larissa ride out her orgasm and then pulled my fingers out slowly, making sure not to hurt her. My fingers went straight to my mouth sucking of the rest of her juices, while moaning at the taste.

"You taste like heaven, love.", I wispered inches apart from her lips and then closing the gap and giving Larissa a sloppy kiss, so she could taste herself.

After some time we broke the kiss and we both smiled.
"That was beautiful, thank you y/n..." she confessed shyly.

"The pleasure was all mine."
I kissed her one last time and then wanted to get up.
"Y/n-I...Do you want to sleep here?" once again she went shy on me. "I would love to.." I answered with a wide smile spread agross my face. I went back to bed and laid beside Larissa, who was already under the covers facing me with a tired smile.

"I wanted to do this since I saw your angelic face the first time." I confessed to her. "Well let's say I had an eye on you." she told me and winked.

The tiredness suddently taking control over me as I burried my face into Larissas bare chest.

Larissa put out the light and I felt her caressing my head one last time before diving off to sleep.

hope you liked it til now;)
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𝚖𝚜. 𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚖𝚜 || Larissa WeemsWhere stories live. Discover now