Common Ground: Chptr: 7 Friendsgiving

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A/N: Includes alcohol, drinking, characters being drunk.


It was Friday and you were so excited for today. It was going to be your first Friendsgiving. 

Sure, it's with someone that had some really questionable morals. But there's this little nag in the back of your brain. 

And that nagging was telling you that you were getting attached and you weren't sure how you felt about that. 

The way he treated you every day kept pulling that feeling forward. He would ask how your day has been. Bob would also have food ready for you too once you get home. Sometimes it'll have meat and sometimes it won't. You were weary about the meat though, for obvious reasons. You would constantly check your fridge. Even though he insisted it was the meat you had. And so far, he was being truthful. Surprisingly.

Another thing was during your intimate time with him, he would hold you tight, he would kiss you, and call you petnames that would make you blush uncontrollably and make your insides twist in itself. You would even constantly think about it at random times. It made you feel fuzzy and gave you that high.

But you were denying that you had any feelings for him whatsoever. At this point, he was just your fuck buddy. Just a 'friend' with benefits. At least, that's what you had to remind yourself. He was just using you for a place to stay, a nice place to sleep, a place where 'his' dog was taken care of, and having sex with you was just a bonus. You didn't want to get hurt again. You weren't going to fall deeply in love carelessly again. But damn, it's easier said than done.

After work, you went to the store to buy all the ingredients for your small Friendsgiving celebration. You even bought some stuff for your dog that you wanted to make for her.

Everyone was going to be eating good tonight.

Bob requested some alcohol, which you didn't mind. It's been a quick second since you had any. You didn't really enjoy the taste of alcohol but you drank to get drunk more than anything. And well, you never really had a reason to get drunk until now.

Looking at the list of ingredients, you went through each one and filled up your cart. You even got pre-made desserts, non-alcoholic drinks, and many types of alcohol. 

The total made a small dent in your wallet but you didn't care. You were excited and wanted to enjoy your tiny personal event. 

Once you made it home, you had a feeling it was going to take several trips from your car to your house. Luckily, Bob must have seen you come home because your front door opened once you parked. 

You saw him in his normal t-shirt and pants along with some glasses. 

He saw you carrying multiple plastic bags in both your hands, struggling to get into the house. Once you stepped inside, you stopped and stared at him, only to feel flustered. You really liked him in those glasses. It was actually the first time you saw him in them.

"Since when did you wear those?" You pointed.

"Oh, I've always had. Sometimes I wear them, sometimes I don't."

You just muttered an okay and changed the subject. You told him you had more groceries in the car. He threw on a coat and a winter hat and helped you get the rest out. You were worried that someone was going to see him. However, because of the coat and hat, he wasn't that recognizable. And you were kind of glad, even though you wouldn't admit it out loud.

One of your older neighbors, who was grabbing their package from their mailbox, even said hello to him. It almost gave you a heart attack, thinking that Bob was caught.

Bob Velseb x Reader and Headcanons! (Spooky Month)Where stories live. Discover now