Headcanon 4: Fairs and Amusement Parks

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I think Bob would love to go to the county fair, the state fair, the whatever fair! If there's a fair, he's going! 

He loves to go for the fair foods more than anything. I mean, who wouldn't? Fairs have the most bomb ass junk food you could ever ask for. Even though it's a bit expensive, it's the experience that matters! 

And Bob will try. Every. Single. Stall.

Or until he satisfies his fair food cravings.

Which ever comes first. 

I don't think Bob will be really interested in the rides. Most of them are pretty kiddy and he feels as though he can't fit in most of them properly.

He may hang around and listen to the live music that may be going on or explore other events that may be taking place. 

If Bob has a partner, he would try to win them a stuffed animal or some sort of prize. Because of course he will. And he will shoot high. He is going to try and get them the biggest one. Mostly to stroke his ego but also because he wants them to be happy, freak out, and get excited so they can show off what he has won for them. Make all the couples jealous! 

As for amusement parks, he feels indifferent of them. Not necessarily love them, but he doesn't hate them either. He won't go unless asked to. 

Since there's a lot more adult rides, he feels more comfortable riding most of them. There are some that are a pretty tight squeeze, but he manages. 

If there was an off chance he doesn't fit in one, he feels embarrassed when getting off. And of course, if he had a partner, they would get off with him. He feels bad and tries to convince them to stay, especially if it's their favorite ride. But his partner cares more about him than a ride and Bob really appreciates that. 

Bob and his partner would move onto the next ride or they will get some delicious expensive amusement park junk food. 

I also like to think Bob has a fear of heights (not because of my dream or anything <.<...).

But he pushes it through it anyway. Especially if his partner loves coasters. He wants to participate with them. Even if his partner says he doesn't have to, he insists that it is fine. At least the photos are hilarious! 

Although, before every ride, especially the stupid high ones that go upside down, he gets a bit worried. Definitely if the upside down ones don't use the over-the-shoulder harnesses. (yes, it exists! The Steel Vengance at Cedar Point is only a lap bar and seat belt. But it goes upside down four times.)

He also has a fear of the lap bar not closing all the way. He feels more safe with the over the shoulder harnesses instead.

He feels a bit calmer when his partner grabs his hand and soothes him. He also appreciates it when his partner double checks everything for him, making sure he's locked in safely. Easing his mind. 

Bob would grab ahold of his partner's hand if he could, or grab hard onto the lap bar/shoulder harness during the ride. He's not much of a screamer but he's a curser and will curse up a storm until the very end. 

Just like in the fair scenario, he would try to win his partner one of those humongous stuffed animals. He will beat those rigged carnival games one way or another and he WILL NOT disappoint you. 

Bob Velseb x Reader and Headcanons! (Spooky Month)Where stories live. Discover now