Common Ground: Chptr: 6 Closer

457 4 17

You were driving around the town like a fucking madman. You went to some part of town you had never really been into before. You have only been living in the town for two years and you never really left your area. Except going to work, the park, and the stores.

Your eyes were darting around, looking out for cops and your dog. You were driving well past the speed limit and you didn't want to get pulled over.

You thought you saw her, you hit your breaks as hope fills you, only to be quickly drained away when you realized it was just an opossum.

Thirty minutes turned into an hour and then an hour and a half. 

As you were driving, you thought you saw her again. You had to do a hard double-take and then you had to do another one when you saw a figure walk out onto the street in front of you.

You slammed on the brakes as hard as you can. You couldn't close your eyes. You were gripping the steering wheel with both hands, pushing yourself back. You were pushing against the momentum, everything was going forward. Your wide eyes never left the figure who was standing in front of your car. 

Your breathing was shaky while the blood in your body went cold and then hot. 

The adrenaline ran through your body, making you shake in your seat when you finally came to a complete stop. You were just a few inches away from hitting... 

You had to put your car in park as you let out a sigh, covering your face in relief. Glad that you didn't kill him on accident.

He walked up to the passenger side of the car and knocked on the window. He then tried to open the car door. Indirectly telling you to unlock it. You unlocked your doors and allowed him to sit in your car as it slightly moved under his weight.

"Well, hello there, darlin'~. Were ya looking for me?"

You gave him a weird look. Was he flirting with you?

You let out a scoff, you were extremely annoyed with this man. "No, I actually wasn't. And also," -you adjusted in your seat, facing towards him- "has your mother never told you to look both ways before crossing the road?!"

Bob seemed to roll his eyes at you. "Why are ya out here? Yer not usually in this part of town."

Furrowing your eyebrows, you stared at him. "How would you know that?"

His slight frown turned up into a smile as it widens and spreads across his face. "Oh, little lamb. I know a lot of things about-chu."

'Oh, great. How long has he been stalking me?'

"U-uhm, okay. Anyways...I'm looking for someone else," you nervously said, fiddling your fingers together.

Bob stared at you, even though he was smiling, he looked angry. "Who?"

Your car windows started fogging up as you become nervous. 

"Are you seeing someone? Behind my back?" he asked as he got closer to you. 

He was reaching for his knife from his toolbelt as he waited for you to answer.

You looked at him funny, scrunching up your face. "Huh? Behind your-- what? No, I'm looking for our dog."



"Where is she?"

You gulped. "I-I don't know, Bob. She-she escaped my backyard." You started tearing up as you thought about your dog. "I'm so worried about her. What if someone takes her and hurts her? What if someone kills her because they're scared of her? What if someone sells her off to a dog fighting ring and uses her as bait? What if--"

Bob Velseb x Reader and Headcanons! (Spooky Month)Where stories live. Discover now