Headcanon 9: Bob a Family Man Part: 2

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Bob, of course, absolutely adores his newborn. His child is the outcome of love.

He loves to give them little kisses, cuddles with them, and lets them sleep on top of him. And he's extra careful with them and gentle.

I like to think he loves to take pictures and records every moment of his newborn. He wants to forever immortalize it.

He is pretty attentive and always wants to be there for his partner. Helping them out the best he can.

Especially if his partner his sick. He puts his "hobby" off to the side and helps out taking care of their baby and makes sure his partner is staying healthy.

Or when his partner is out and is not at home. Bob will be the stay at home dad and take care of his baby instead of going out "hunting".

Or if Bob was not a cannibalistic serial killer (or hasn't been caught) and just worked at the Boys 'n Grills like a normal man. And his partner was also a busy person who has a job too. Bob and his partner will try and find someone they trust to baby sit their baby. Especially Bob since he is overly protective of his kid and his partner. So, he will make sure they are trust worthy and expect not a single scratch on his child.

Around 3-6 months old:

Around this time, the baby is starting to babble a little bit and I like to think that Bob and his partner tries to make it a competition to see if the baby is gonna say "mama" or "dada" first.

Or if Bob's partner is bilingual they will try both English and the other language together to see which one the baby is going to say.

Around 7-8 months:

The baby is now starting the crawl a little bit and is able to pull themselves up (with a helping hand or with the help of something to hold on to) and Bob gets super excited.

He loves to watch his child attempt to crawl towards him. Like a typical dad, he places the baby down on the floor, takes a step back, and crouches down with his arms out.

I feel like his speech, depending on the baby's gender, will be different.


"Come on, sweet pea! Come to daddy! You can do it!"

Baby crawls over to him. Bob grabs her and tosses her up in the air. "Awe, man. Daddy's little girl is growin' up. It's alright, you'll always be my little girl." *nose boop*


"Come on, champ! You got this, son! Come to daddy!"

Baby crawls over to him. Bob grabs him and tosses him up in the air. "Wooo, would ya look at that! My boy is growin' up so fast." *hair shuffle*

Whether boy or girl, I don't think Bob wants them to grow up.

*Bob tears up* plz don't grow up.

Around this time. Their baby is eating a little bit of baby food and so Bob would make the goofiest faces as he feeds his kid.

He'll be opening his mouth and making weird funny mouth noises as he chuckles, watching his baby eat their baby food.

About 9-12 Months:

The baby is beginning to take some shakey first steps and Bob wants his partner to make sure to get it on camera. While be helps them walk. His partner will get a turn but Bob wants to do it first.

His baby will be holding Bob's fingers with their teeny tiny hands and it'll be the cutest thing ever.

When their baby falls and starts crying because they got spooked, Bob is there to coddle them but puts them back on to their feet and makes sure they don't give up.

Not in this household.

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