Common Ground: Chpt: 1 Meeting

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You were taking a walk at night. You enjoyed taking late-night walks. Even though everyone always tells you it's dangerous. But how likely were you going to meet a bad guy anyway? Besides, you did this all the time and you were well protected.

You shoved your hands into the pockets of your warm coat. It was somewhat thick and made you look like you had rolls but it kept you nice and cozy.

As you were walking, you saw a man walking down the sidewalk with his dog. A cute, floppy-eared, female pit bull. You couldn't help but smile when you saw the cutie. As you got closer, your smile slowly turned sour. It was clear the dog was abused. 

"Come here, you piece of shit!" The man continued to yell at the dog, "How fucking dare you run off!"

Your heart started to race as your blood ran cold and then hot. You slowed down as you passed the man and his dog as you stared at them.

The man glared at you as he tugged on the slip leash. "Mind your own damn fucking business, bitch."

He reeked of alcohol and bad breath. Your nose stung from the nasty smell. 

You glanced down and noticed the dog sniffing you. Almost as if she was asking you to help her. Before you could do anything, the owner noticed and tugged the dog hard, dragging her away from you.

Turning your head, you barely moved forward. You wanted to save the dog. You gripped onto the sparkling mace you had in your pocket.

Your thoughts were ripped out of you when you heard the agonizing sound of a dog yelping and screaming. Snapping your head around, you noticed that the man's leg was lifted. 

He kicked his dog, and she was cowering on the ground with her ears back. "Come on! FUCKING WALK!"

You were shaking at this point as you watched the man dragging the poor animal hard.

This was the last straw.

You made large strides toward the man, his back turned away from you. You got on your toes and tapped on his shoulder.

He began turning his head, while you had your mace ready and sprayed all the contents you had left onto his face. He screeched in agony as he covered his eyes and flinched over. He glanced up at you with angry squinted eyes.

In the meantime, you had your dominant arm in the air and pulled back with a fist. "You fucking scum!" you screamed. And with a swift movement, you punched the motherfucker hard.

You winced at the impact you made. The man howled in pain as he held his face, finally dropping the leash. 

Quickly crouching down, you picked up the leash and started to talk to the dog as you gently let her sniff you. "Come on, baby! Come on, honey! Let's go!"

"Give me that back!" the drunken man screamed.

"Fuck off! You're a fucking monster!" you shouted back, you were gripping hard on the leash.

The man started to walk towards you. You quickly stood up and walked backward. "I'm not a fucking monster. A real monster is someone like that Bob guy. That fat fuck who runs around and eats people."

'Bob Velseb?'

You let out a scoff. Almost like a laugh. "Yeah, but I bet he doesn't beat his fucking animals, you psycho! You're more of a monster than he is. And y'know? I hope he gets your fuckin' ass. Puts you in his damn pie or something!"

The man let out a growl and started to run after you. You began to take a few hops back, quickly glancing down at the dog, you spoke to her, gently pulling on the leash. "You want to run, right? Come on!"  The dog seemed to understand and started to run beside you.

Bob Velseb x Reader and Headcanons! (Spooky Month)Where stories live. Discover now