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I couldn't hold my excitement when we're finally starting to promote as a group and we're having our debut showcase at Music Bank. It is really sad that the pandemic is going so strong because there are no people to perform to.

I mean, I know they are watching us and are cheering for us on the other side of the screen but I would really love it if I will also hear and see them face to face. But whatever is the condition, I still will do my best for my group and to always put up the best performance on stage for the people watching.

When we were interviewed I am really nervous because I am face to face with the legendary MuBank MCs who always have their names on top trend every Friday. But because of Soobin and Arin sunbaenim's welcoming presence, I was immediately feeling at ease that they know how to handle us rookies.

And indeed, they did because after the interview, we had some talks behind the scenes where Soobin sunbae even gave us advice on how to be on our very first stage performance.

After the promotion, we all headed back to our dorms with nothing but smiles on our faces like we're not tired or anything.

"I'll shower first!"

Sunoo announced and dashed to the bathroom while Jay scrolled through his phone to look for food to order for dinner. Heeseung hyung went directly to our shared bedroom to lay down so as Riki while Jungwon is discussing something with Jay, maybe something about the food for our dinner.

Because I have nothing to do, I went to the kitchen where I found Sunghoon fumbling with some packets of tea.

"Looking for something?"

"Ah, good thing you're here I don't need to call you. I'm looking for the tea you made me drink last night, it's really good and relaxing"

"I think it is not there . . . I placed it somewhere else to not confuse it with Jay's tea. . here it is"

"Have you tried this tea Jay have been drinking? I tasted it and it is bitter. . He told me during I-land that it is a drink for the sleepless to fall asleep but also a drink for people to stay awake. . . I didn't understand him . ."

We laughed at the statement before he grabbed his mug and placed the teabag in and was about to pour the water when he stopped and I knew exactly why.

"You didn't plug in the kettle did you?"

He just smiled at me before plugging in the kettle to boil as I also grab myself a mug for a tea because I know that tomorrow is another promotion, I know my body will be so excited as heck that it won't sleep and I need sleep.

"Soobin hyung as an MC is so heartwarming don't you think?"

"You're right . . . I mean, despite being in the same label, we didn't really interact that much with TXT but being in that room with him makes me feel like I've been friends with him"

"Exactly my thoughts. . . I wonder how he does that. . . It is not hard for him to make people feel at ease"

"Eyy . . Everyone has their own charm and that is his. . . "

"Hmm . . you have a point. . hey what do you think is mine then?"

"How should I know?"

"Come on. . you're my soulmate, what's my. charm?"

I look at him as he smiled making his little dimple poke out along with his fangs.

I could write an essay of his charms if he asks me to and I would go on and on about him but as for this moment and the time alloted, I could only tell one thing.

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