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Jake is currently doing a live on weverse as he spoke to the fans, answering questions on why he was away for a long time and why is there no news or update from him. We're actually feeling nervous as he might slip and give some mismatched information and knowing the fans, they would dig in deeper and investigate which is actually very scary.

However, Jake seems to be chill in answering the fans.

I know it is so bad to tell lies to the fans who did nothing but support us but it is hard to tell what happened. Plus, we're not really lying 100%. The alibi is that Jake is on hiatus due to personal reasons and that is automatically valid to not spill to the fans. From the comments and other interactions of fans I saw online, they are assuming that Jake is on hiatus because of his mental and emotional health considering how much he's been in boiling hot waters lately. Controversy after controversy, he went through and added to that, words of criticism were thrown at him which makes them believe that he's suffering from depression.

That is half true tho. Jake really is feeling so stressed and down lately that it always ended up on him trying to isolate and trying to do everything on his own.

after the live ended, Jake entered the room I was in which is actually Heeseung hyung's room and plopped down beside me.

"I hate that we lied to the fans . . "

I ran my fingers through his hairs as he laid his head on my lap.

"Me too . . it feels so wrong. . . but we also cannot tell them the truth. . . I hope they will understand if we don't say . ."

He hummed and he is still looking so guilty making me nervous. He could be beating himself internally because he lied to fans.

"Hey . . don't worry . . Engenes will understand. . we can make it up to them by giving them the best performances we can. . they waited for so long for this comeback and we will not fail them. ."

I placed a kiss on his forehead before I pulled something out the drawer showing it to him.

After he received the envelope, he opened it and the content made him sit up from his position in shock.

"You're resigning from Music Bank? Why?"

"Well. .  our comeback is coming close . . we'll be having a world tour . . and I know staying as a MC would conflict with our schedule. . I don't want to miss out again . .especially now . . "

"But. . . give it a thought. Ok? I mean, who would take your place then?"

"Baby, I have thought about this ever since you became a baby . . and this is what I decide. . "

He sighed placing the letter back into the envelope before turning to look at me.

"Are you really sure?"

"Yeah . . I want to spend more time with you and the members. . . and I want to be with you guys again during rehearsals, recordings and dance practices. . "

He gave me a smile before I held his hand placing a kiss on his knuckles.

"By the way, I want to ask you something. . "

"What is it?"

"Sim Jaeyun, can you be my boyfriend?"

He didnt say any word but he just pulled me into a kiss. I guess it's a yes.

"You have no idea how I waited for this question.  ."

"And you have no idea how much I waited to claim you mine . ."

Ikeu (EN- JakeHoon)Where stories live. Discover now