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It's been days after our statements were released and everything is now under control. The agency then decided to air my vlog as my issue was cleared so as Sunghoon. Moreover, he resumed his filming for his cameo and again, our time together was so little as his filming and MCing are both so tiring.

I can't help but visit him sometimes.

But there are times where I won't be allowed to visit him on site or in the studio so I just wait for him back in the dorms. So to kill time, I hang out with Heeseung hyung who always cheers me up with video games.

It is a random day today and we're all tired from the practice. Guess what, another comeback is coming and we just learned the new choreography and as usual, Sunghoon didn't join us.

We practiced for a while for the dance and right now, all I want is a nice bath and sleep. I don't even know if I'm hungry or not.

After I took a bath, Jungwon asked if I want to join his and Sunoo's vlive and I got confused why they will have a vlive when we're all tired, turns out, the agency scheduled us a vlive. Jungwon and Sunoo decided to do it as Heeseung hyung and Riki are so tired as they have been practicing the choreography and the song to be able to teach us the next day. Jay also cannot join because he's not feeling well.

I agreed to join them and now, we're at the living room as we all set up the necessary items for the live.

It started of smoothly and fun with the fans joking with us as we all answered questions here and there. I am now very cautious of my actions to avoid judgments and another criticism. I just survived one so I cannot bear another.

We then said our goodbyes and after we all turn off the camera, we went straight to our rooms and slept.

I didn't even realize how long I slept because when I woke up, Jungwon is calling us to get ready to go to work. Goodness, I can't with this.

I took a shower to wake up my system and then into the van we go.

When we reached the company, I am clinging onto Heeseung hyung because I am sleepy as heck and I might fall on my face if I'm not holding onto him. When we reached the dance studio, we immediately went to work and practice the dance again. This won't be hard as we now have an idea how the dance was and how the blocking and formation was.

It is already lunch time when I went to the canteen to grab the members some food. I am with the leader and Heeseung hyung by the way. When we reached the canteen, we met other artists whom we greeted and honestly, the idols in HYBE we really can interact with at this moment is TXT sunbaenim. Well, they're the closest to our age and we have filmed with them before.

We're waiting for our orders when one of the staffs approached us.

"May I speak with you guys for a minute?"

"Ah yes ma'am, what is it?"

I asked as she looks disturbed.

"Ok, I know you guys are really close and all and you are comfortable with each other right?"

"Yes ma'am, we are . .why?"

Jungwon looks uncomfortable and Heeseung hyung looks like he's ready to throw hands.

"Ok, uhm I want to ask you guys if maybe you can keep it low key in public? You see, people might get the wrong idea . . ."


I'm confused. Are we supposed to not interact in public?

"I know skin ship is not an issue with you but to other people, it would be weird you know what I mean?"

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