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With his mouth sore, baby Jake has been agitated and I totally understand as it hurts like b. . heck.

He didn't eat dinner yesterday because no one can make him eat with that sore on his tongue of all places. This morning, Sunghoon hyung was awaken by a crying baby who again felt the pain early in the morning. He tried to make him eat or drink milk at least but Jake is not satisfied and is still in tears. Well, thankfully Sunghoon hyung has no schedule today because at this moment, Jake doesn't want to get off of his hold.

He needs to eat tho and we don't know how to make him. He needs to eat so we can apply the medicine because once the medicine is placed, it must stay in there.

At the moment, Sunghoon hyung is calming him down after he had a spoonful of porridge. None of us knew what to do to help because whenever one of us steps closer, Jake would cling onto Sunghoon and cry so we dare not to.

After he calmed down, hyung again tried to feed him but when the baby saw the spoon, he immediately hid his face.

Sunghoon hyung then sat on the chair as he glanced at us for help and everyone's eyes landed on me.


"Riki, all of us tried but he just cried more . . maybe today's your turn . ."

I just look at them and realized how I am the only one whom Jake hasn't experienced life with so I stepped closer and grab the bowl and spoon.

"Ikeu . . look, Ni-Ki will feed you num num"

Jake turned to me as I raised the spoon and he immediately hid again.

So, I did what my brain first told me to do.

"Jakey Jakey, here comes the plane,. . . shoooong"

I traveled the spoon from the fork to the air, wave it around before I reached his mouth which the baby immediately opened and then the porridge is in.

That's one spoonful.

"You're doing great Riki, keep going. . "

Sunghoon hyung said as he cautiously placed Jake on his chair and slowly went to prepare more food for Jake I guess.

Surprisingly, Jake didn't cry this time. His face just morphed into a pained one and tears streamed down his cheeks but no sound came from his mouth.

"Ah the baby is so very good. . he deserves another plane. . Jakey here comes another plane . . wooosh!"

He again opened his mouth and ate the spoonful.

I am doing great with this airplane thingy that after he finished the bowl, he looks at me and checked his bowl. He's still hungry I see.

"Here, give him more. . "

Sunghoon hyung place another bowl so I did I again. This time, he's even smiling not minding how painful his tongue could be.

But after he almost finisbed his food, he began to shook his head and in my understanding, he doesn't want more as he's already full so I airplane fed myself making him let out fits of giggles.

Oh. this porridge tasted good. Did Jay hyung make more?

"Now come here, let us have your medicine"

I extended my arms and he immediately climbed into them as he impersonates my airplane sounds.

When we reached the living room, I saw the medicine on the table and Jake saw it too as he immediately hid his face.

Ikeu (EN- JakeHoon)Where stories live. Discover now