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Today is my turn on baby Jake and I couldn't hide my excitement, why? Well because I also wanna know how Jake hyung is with me. The thing is, Jay and Heeseung hyung already seems to understand Jake through him as a baby and even if I'm younger than Jake hyung I too want to at least brighten up his day.

"Hi baby Jakey . . . "

I happily skipped towards him as he just woke up and still looking clueless with his messy hair.

He looks around making me unconsciously pout because I know I am not the one he wants.

"Jakey, it is Deonu"

He just looked at me as if trying to understand me and so I just look at him.

"Don't you want me?"

"Oonie. . ."

"Hoonie hyung is not here .  .he went to -- -- oh no it's ok ..  "

His lips began to tremble and not long after, his tears fall on his cheeks. I was about to carry him to calm him down but he just scoot away still calling for Sunghoon hyung.

"Ah Jakey please, Sunghoon hyung needs to practice because he's behind the choreography and he still needs to MC. jay hyung is also not around because he's helping out Jungwon with the meeting together with Heeseung hyung and Riki is teaching Sunghoon hyung and so it is just the two of us here. I know you don't like to be with me but please bear with me and I promise I will take care of you well. Please don't cry because I want to help really and I don't want them to worry that I'm not taking care of you and - - - "

He stopped crying . .

Then started crawling towards me. . .

Wait . . .

He looks at me in anticipation like he wanted something from me.


His head is tilted as he looks at me.

"Ah, do you wanna eat?"

"Num num?"

"Yea. . come on"

I carefully carried him as I walk us to the kitchen where I sat him on the chair and prepared his food.

When I sat down, I also made sure I have food because Jay and Heeseung hyung told me that I also need to have food when eating with Jake or else he will not eat.

I placed the spoon in front of his lips and he just look at me and not opening his mouth.

"Jakey, come on, let's eat. Look it is so yum yum"


So, I ate first and when I placed the spoon again in front of his lips, he opened his mouth and ate with a cute smile.

Aww so he wanted to make sure I ate first? But Jay and Heeseung hyung made him eat first. Is it because I'm younger? Does this baby somehow have the consciousness of Jake hyung? Because as far as I can remember, it is the younger members that he always made sure to have eaten first. he's that sweet.

When we are done, he again look around probably noticing how the house is so empty.

"Hmm? None?"

"Ah yes. . the other members have things to do and so we are alone. . so what do you wanna do?"

He just looks down and I immediately felt bad. What can I do to help him? I mean, he is not crying but he is also not happy with my company.

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