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[A/N: This chapter if you can remember is from "Ikeu Pt. 1" in my one shots book. I just edit some small details in here]


I entered our dorm after the filming of Music Bank and I can't wait to just be comfortable in my bed and finally sleep throughout the night and hopefully till tomorrow because as far as I am aware, we don't have anything to do tomorrow besides to rest.

Anyways, the company has informed us about our comeback date and we're also preparing for that but since there are still no new notifications or updates towards our leader, it is an indication of a stay in or just getting all the rest we can acquire. Trust me, this comeback will yet again drive us to the edge. We always have a hard ass choreography and even a chill song as "10 months love" has a tiring choreography. I mean, why can't they also give us like chill choreo? You know those dances that requires you to move but you won't feel tired in the end?

I know we will easily nail it but I can't help to worry for us because we might be artists but we're still humans and we have limitations. Although the company always make sure that we're healthy and feed us what we want and give us enough nourishment, we must make sure to maintain our conditions well.

And speaking of condition, I didn't expect to enter our dorm in this condition. Normally, the members would be in the living room watching TV or in the kitchen eating some ramen but I found no one in sight and the TV is on.


I walked slowly into the kitchen and I saw Jay watching the kettle on the stove. Why is he suddenly boiling water this time?

"Hey . . "

He quickly turned his attention to me and he looked startled and spooked out. I don't have a ghost behind me right?

"Oh I suggest you lower your voice . . you know, you don't wanna wake up the sleeping people"

"Ok? But why is the TV on? Where are the others?"

He took in a deep breath as he look so clueless. He seems to be contemplating on what to tell me. Am I seeing this right? Park Jongseong is at lost for words? This is new.

"Something weird happened. . "

Just then, I heard our door open then close before two people appeared in the kitchen both of them also looked shocked when they saw me.

"I almost had a heart attack. .Jay hyung, are these fine? Ah jinjja, I don't know how we made past the store without any mishap"

Sunoo said as he collapsed on the floor with a defeated look. Riki also sighed as he placed the bags on the table as Jay went to check the content.

"You're all acting differently. ."

As I said that, Jungwon entered with his phone on hand.

"I called the manager. . . I don't actually know how to tell him but lucky for us, we have the weekends off. . enough to figure this out. . ."

"Seriously, what is going on?"

Jungwon looked disoriented.

Jay is panicking and is speechless.

Sunoo is almost breaking down.

Riki is in daze.

Heeseung and Jake are not here. I'm just waiting for them to emerge in a state of panic too.

Jungwon is about to talk when I heard something that spooked me to the core.

"Please tell me you also hear that"

Ikeu (EN- JakeHoon)Where stories live. Discover now