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I woke up to the sight of the sun setting and immediately I realized how I have been asleep for like six hours straight. Wait, did Jake take his medicine?

I sat up on bed and I saw his baby back facing me as he seems to be playing with a phone.


He immediately faced me and indeed, he's watching something on the phone I recognized is mine. He abandoned the phone on the bed as he crawled towards me and upon reaching me, he didn't jump into my arms like I expected him to and instead, he sat in front of me with his head down.

A smile left my lips when I realized what is happening. Maybe he still thinks I'm mad at him or something because of what happened but I'm not anymore. Still, it is cute to see him like this.

I ruffled his hair making him look at me.

"Its fine baby . . I'm not mad anymore. . "

Tears pooled his eyes before he jumped into my arms, crying as I rub his back trying to comfort him.

"Ssh its alright. . . I know you're in pain but you have to remember, we all want to help you. We don't want you to do things that could possibly hurt you more. . . ok?"

I felt him nod on my shoulders as I continue to rub his back.

"Did you have your medicine?"

He nodded again before he pulled away and faced me with a smile while wiping his face.

I helped him as I also wiped his tear stained cheeks before pinching it.

He giggled at my actions as he went to the phone laying on the bed and handing it to me.

He surprisingly opened the camera app before giving it to me.

"Ok. . come here, let us have some photos. ."

He climbed my lap before I snap some selfies here and there with him doing some poses I don't even know he knew.

"Alright that's enough photos for the day. ."

I was about to lay back down when I heard his stomach grumble.

"Did you not eat lunch?"

He shook his head making me sigh and pick him up as we walk to the kitchen where I saw our leader wrapped in a comforter as Jay fed him some soup.

"What happened?"

"He's sick . . I don't know when it started but he just came out of his room with a high temperature. I suggest to not let Jake be near him for a while"

Jungwon laid his head on the table and clearly, he doesn't look good. His head seems to be so heavy he can barely open his eyes.

I then brought Jake to the living room where I left him on the couch to go fetch his food and medicine. I think his sore will be gone by tomorrow.

I went to the living room and begin to feed him and clearly, he's trying to hold back his tears.

"It's alright to cry, I know it hurts"

Indeed, tears streamed down his face and just like that, he's shaking his head not wanting more food but he also knew he's hungry so despite his pain, I still airplane fed him the food. Although I didn't do it like Riki, he still somehow smiled and I appreciate that he also recognized my efforts.

After he ate, I brought out the drops and he immediately covered his mouth making me laugh.

"This is the last time now I promise . . after you take this, you can do anything you want. . "

Ikeu (EN- JakeHoon)Where stories live. Discover now