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Ok so I think what Sunghoon suggested this morning at Breakfast makes sense. Jake has been trying hard to open up to us. He's been trying hard to make his relationship with us go deeper just like with Sunghoon. Well, I know no one can be of par with that but it makes sense. We need to be more sensitive with him and Jake as a baby can actually make it kinda easy. You see, babies have this instinct and that instinct will tell them if the person they're with is a good person or not.

Jake must naturally feel that he trusts us and not because he has to trust us. And trust is developed unconsciously. So in conclusion, we were to spend a day with Jake. It is a good thing as Sunghoon really needs to complete his schedules.

Actually, he told us on his plans on quitting his MCing job so he will be doing the talking and stuff so we really need to look after his baby, I mean, the baby.

For today, I will be in charge. Why? Simply because I have nothing to do.

When Jake woke up, he immediately searched for Sunghoon and when he couldn't find him, tears began to fall from his eyes onto his round cheeks.

Gosh, now what do I do? Peekaboo don't work on him.

"Jakey Jakey look look here. . . "

I just did what I do best, well according to Engenes that is.

"Tay-Tayo,. . . Tay-Tayo. . - -"

With just two words and few notes and movements, he stopped crying and instead just looked at me. In the end, I just performed Tayo in front if him and in the end I did the pose I couldn't even do before, the Sunoo pose.

And as I do silly faces , he began to giggle and clap that even I am enjoying what I'm doing.

"I see you're loving that. .now can you join me?"

I approached him and held him up as I moved him as I sang in the background and his laughter is phenomenal. I can't help but tear up a bit.

Who knew? Tayo is the key?

"Oh my goodness, he's so adorable"

Oh shit Riki?

I look back and to my horror, Riki and Sunoo are peeking at the door with their phones up.

"How long have you been there exactly?"

"Since we heard him giggling. .keep it up hyung"

Aw man . .

"Jakey. . . they won't let me off the hook with that"

I pouted in front of him and he just giggled and began to roll on the bed.

"Hey are you hungry?'"

He stopped rolling and looked at me in question?

"Yum yum?"

I did some eating gestures and he crawled towards me making me pick him up and into the kitchen we go.

I know he can already digest solids but just purée, not really like ramen or rice.

Should I give him milk or porridge?

"Jay-ah! Should Jake have milk?"

A loud yes was heard and so I went to grab the bottle and make his milk but when I reached him, he saw the bottle on hand and he began to throw a tantrum like wiggling in his chair, he even starts to cry.

What's wrong with the milk?

"Ah ok ok no more no more. .. "

I immediately hid the bottle and scoop him from his chair as I try to calm him down.

Ikeu (EN- JakeHoon)Where stories live. Discover now