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I am now preparing for my flight and I have my luggage with me along with my passport and plane ticket. The members are here to send me off but Sunghoon unfortunately couldn't make it in time because of his schedule. It upsets me tho but I can't blame him. Plus, I have the whole team with me, what am I sad about?


I turn to the direction of the voice and immediately, I stood up from my chair and ran towards him with open arms.

"I'm sorry I'm late..  Are you boarding?"

"Not yet but they started a call a while ago.. "

"I see . . the boys are outside tho. Good thing they let me in . . ah, here, to keep you warm"

He removed his jacket and made me wear it because I'm only wearing a shirt because I forgot to grab a jacket. I was sweaty when I left the dorm that's why.

"Thanks. . I'll see you in two or three days"

"Take care"

I entered the plane and not long after, it started to wheel off the runway till I'm up in the air. I closed my eyes before drifting to sleep.

When I landed, I immediately saw my brother waiting for me at the waiting area for passengers making me ran to him and pulled him for a hug because hell I missed him so much.

"Let's continue the hugging session later. . let's go before anyone can recognize you"

"Don't worry, I'm wearing a mask and I'm not that . . . popular . . "

He just ruffled my hair before we walked to his car and drove home when my phone vibrates.

When I opened it, I saw a message from Sunghoon.

"How's your flight? Are you home? Did your brother pick you up? Did you sleep at least?"

I smiled at his message before replying to each of his questions. I then asked him what will be a good blog content for our en-log. I know I said that I can film my trip home but I don't think that will be a good idea considering that I might spend the whole time catching up with everyone.

Also, I can film when I'm done right? or I can just film with Layla? Oh that's an idea. I can film with Layla instead of just me. She'd be so adorable.

"So, how's everything?"

"Well, it's tiring especially during promotions . . but I'm loving the rush . . ."

"Are you still having panic attacks?"

"Yeah . And it's not getting any better . . hey, don't tell mom and dad ok? I don't want them to worry too much . . "

"I know . . . And how are you holding up when that happens?"

"I had some help . .  and it's going well but recently, it's not looking too good. . . we now have different schedules so I don't often see him"

"Park Sunghoon?"

My eyes widen before I look at his direction.

"How did you know?"

"Too obvious Jake. . . he's the only one from your team who has MCing job. . ."

"Oh . . "

He chuckled before he shifted the topic on random things happening back home until we reached the gates. We drove in after it was opened and after the car was parked, I immediately ran outside to the front door and burst it open but the sight made me immediately shut up and stop on my tracks.

Ikeu (EN- JakeHoon)Where stories live. Discover now