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I can't sleep, I can't even stay still because of the tweets I saw when I opened twitter. Just few days ago, Jake was caught in a fire of criticism after being rude, then he and Jay did a vlive to clear the issue but instead of helping to clear the issue, he was again in a hotter scandal as they accused him of being too fake just to clear his name.

The vlive went well and Jake managed to clear his issue but then it gave birth to another and that is him being unreal with his reactions and with his interactions with Jay. In the live, they're talking about their student life and Jake told them he just landed from Australia on that day he joined Enha's live. Then they shared stories here and there but Jake was seen fake when he laughed at Jay's statement which is not funny or when he constantly pouted when he is thinking of something and many more.

They had no idea that is just how he is. He finds Jay's joke or random statements funny. His happiness is shallow that he can laugh at what others think as 'common'. He developed his habit of pouting when he can't recall a certain idea unconsciously and of course, he sometimes find some jokes of Jay not funny so he's not laughing.

Did they really think they have the same humor as Jake or that Jake must laugh with them? Jake has his own mind and that mind is not theirs to dictate. For God's sake Jake's a grown man.

Because of the frustration I'm feeling, I went to the lobby of the hotel were checked in to get some ice cream from a nearby store. I went to the store when I saw Wonyoung paying for her items. I didn't mind her at first because we're in public so I paid for my ice cream and when I stepped out, it turned out she waited for me.

"Were you waiting for me?"

"I think it's a grown habit for me. It just happened unconsciously"

We walked back at the hotel before we part ways in the halls.


The next day, the last day of the photoshoot went on smoothly and we're now packing up for the flight back in Seoul. I'm excited because finally, after days almost a week of not seeing the members, I finally can practice with them as my schedule now will be with Enhypen. The truth is, I'm so excited.

I really wanna talk with Jake because I'm so worried about him right now. Like, I can't stay still until I spoke to him and that I made sure he's alright. He's going through a hard time right now that it pains me especially that I can't do anything because I cannot contact him as he's not picking up.

After we landed, I got confused when the van is not talking the route to our dorm but to the company. What is it this time?

"Aren't I be going home?"

"Not yet. . you have something to discuss with the CEO"

Please not another project.

When we entered his office, he immediately made me sit down as I waited for his instruction.

"I want you to open your twitter .  ."

I did as I was told and was shocked when I suddenly saw a lot of tags with my name on it.

"If you're dating Wonyoung, I won't be against it but please keep it low key"

"No! I'm not dating her. . why would you think that just because some people speculate? I don't like her that way"

"Sunghoon, it's all over the Internet. . . if you don't want fans to speculate, do something. ."

"Yes sir ..  Please, if you may, can you release a statement regarding this issue?"

Ikeu (EN- JakeHoon)Where stories live. Discover now