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I woke up this morning kinda late because for once in two weeks, I have no schedule for the morning. Fortunately, the team also have no schedule for the first half of the day so it is for the first time in weeks that we will be together because next week will be hectic again as the members will each have their schedules.

I laid still on my bed as I don't wanna wake a certain someone who has my arm as his pillow.

Unfortunately tho, my bladder badly wants me to wake up so I slowly removed his head on my arm and ran to the bathroom. Thankfully, he's still sleeping like a baby.

I went to the kitchen and I was surprised when I saw for the first time Heeseung hyung awake earlier than everyone else.

"This is a first"

"I just got thirsty . . I was about to go back to bed but then I saw how we don't have breakfast so I just cooked some rice. I'll wait for Jay or Jake to wake up to whip out some other items for breakfast. We can't just eat rice right?"

"Jake? He's been cooking?"

"Yeah . . he's always been cooking, . . why are you surprised? You should know this"

"I'm not surprised. . I'm just happy he's doing well. ."

"You know Jake, he tends to have this tough exterior but he's the opposite from the inside . . . I think your sudden absence affected him. The good thing is, he's actually talking to me about it . . also with Jay. Oh and he's not sleeping on his bed most of the time"

I let out a laugh realizing it myself when I got home and he's sleeping in my bed.

"Just look out after him . ."

"You're so concerned for him when you're supposed to be looking at yourself more. You're alone and we have each other back here. . plus your schedule looks tough"

"I know . . but I can handle myself you know that . . . I grew up in pressure"

He let out a laugh as we turn towards the kitchen entrance as Jay stepped in, walked directly to  the fridge and pull out a bottle of coke.

"What were the two of you talking about?"

"Just catching up"

"I see . . . hey Sunghoon, what was that fragrance you're using back in I-Land? The one you lend me before?"

"Hmm? I still have the same cologne. . but I don't use it more often now that I realize how it is so expensive . . "

"Really? You brought a whole bottle of it in I-land"

"That was my mistake, I packed the wrong perfume.  . why are you asking anyway?"

"I'm planning to buy one. . . ah do you guys want chicken or pork?"

Heeseung and Jay then began a heated debate on what to eat with rice, chicken or pork. But any choice can do.

I walked back to the bedroom before climbing back on my bed and seeing that Jake just woke up, I just laid down beside him and grab my phone that was under the pillow.

He then slowly got up as he went to the bathroom and as he left, his phone vibrates. I saw that it was his brother so I answered it and indeed, his brother's face appeared on the phone screen.

"Oh? Hey Sunghoon"

"Hi hyung . . Jake just went to the bathroom. . ."

"I see . . . hey how is he doing? I can't wait for him to come home . ."

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