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I look up at Sunghoon as I await for his answer on my question on how and why am I turned into a baby but he too seems unsure of what to answer me. 

"Well, it is just a myth but . . . Sunoo and Riki has a theory. . they say that there is a random day the universe is listening to us and grant our wishes. In your case, you have this inner desire that you voiced out when the universe is listening. So, it did its thing and grant your wish. . . Sunoo mentioned how you tell them you are tired of constant criticism against you. How they always judge you in everything you do. Technically, a baby can never be judged no matter what they do. They will always be loved and adored without question. They can express their pain, happiness and sadness freely. That's what you want right?"

He's right. . that's what I want.

I wanted to be free from the eyes just once. I know you would think 'Then why did you enter a job that will always expose you to the camera?" Well, I love music and it is my way to cope with my fear of people. I want to overcome it and so I joined the orchestra back at school.

I love music, I love to sing and I am mesmerized with dancing and so I tried it on a bigger scale. I never thought that it would also come with people who will talk so badly about you.

I am aware of haters but the type to really grill me in hate until I, well die is so much to me and maybe that is why I made that wish.

"Then . . . I. . . how did I came back?"

He also looks unsure until a lightbulb seems to appear on his head.

"Maybe because you did everything you always wanted to do. . . "


He nodded and immediately, my face reddened like a tomato because I know for myself I also wanted to do one thing and that is the riskiest on them all.

Hidden deep inside my heart is my changing feelings towards my best friend. For quite some time, I am falling deeply in love with him and no matter how hard I try to push it away, I just can't and my heart just continue to beat for him and him alone.

But now that I'm back and I was able to do everything I wanted, did I also confess?

Well, I was a baby who spoke babbles and gibberish so I won't say it right?

"I want to ask you something tho. ."

Shit, did I really confess?

"What is it?"

"Do you remember the last thing I did before I turned back?"

I was looking down at my palms as I don't have the strength to look him in the eye.

He sat beside me on the edge of the bed making my heart go crazy either from the fact that he's beside me or because I actually did confess. I sure hope he didnt take the a baby's confession seriously.

"Well, the baby didn't do anything unusual in my opinion. . . he's just being his cute little self. . . except for the fact that he stole my first and second kiss"

My head immediately snapped to face him and he's also facing me with a small smile making me blush and this time, I know he noticed it because his smile is wider than a while ago.

"Please tell me you're joking"

"I'm not. ."

I couldn't help but want to ran away . . And so I did, but before I could even open the door, it was shut close by a hand over my head and when I turn, Sunghoon is standing close to me with his hand pushed towards the door.

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