Krishnaa to know the truth

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Krishnaa looked at her new husband. Then before they could go to his house he said," Krishnaa andar jaane se pehle mein tumhe ek satya batana chahta hun..... Mein koi aur nhi walki rajkumar arjun hi hun."( Krishnaa I am no one else other than prince arjun) then he proceeded and told her about lakshagraha incident. Krishnaa was angry at this and told him that he betrayed her when he didn't reveal it on their first meet. He said that she wouldn't have listened to him and she didn't ask about his name either but still if she considers him her culprit then she could punish him. She smiled and said that he have to promise that he will share everything with her then only she will forgive him. He too smiled and promised.
They walked hand in hand to the small distance to the hut. There his mother was waiting with a arthi thali. She quickly did the arthi of her new kulvadhu with a beautiful smile. As both of them bent to take her blessings, she blessed them wholeheartedly. Then she put her hand under draupadi's chin and lifted her head a bit admiring her. She smiled and hugged her kulvadhu and asked her to consider her as her mother. Draupadi had tears as she didn't have a mother and only heard about her from her elder siblings and bhabi. Then they touched the feet of all elders as they introduced themselves to her. Kunti them held her hand and brought her inside and excitedly brought food for her that she had herself prepared for her.

Devika remarked teasingly," Now we know that who is the favourite daughter in law."

Hidimba informed,"U know that draupadi, for arjun to win in ur swayamvar mata had been fasting and praying from yesterday and looks like her prayers are answered.

Everyone smiled then Draupadi took a morsel and feed kunti saying that she always fed her mother like bhabi and elder sister before herself. Then she fed all her jijis. They too fed her. Men of the family smiled mesmerized with their love and satisfied with their bond. What else do they need more to survive?( The children were sleeping and draupadi couldn't meet them.)

Then Panchal family came and when they came to know their identity they were very happy. All of them invited them but Kunti said that they will come the next day after finishing left over work. They smiled and went from there. Last time Draupadi looked at her ardhang and he kissed her temple and said that they will meet tomorrow.
They bade each other goodbye sadly. And went to their ways. Here they sent letter to mahamahim bhism. He ordered vidur that they should be soon brought to Hastinapur.
Next day
Royal clothes, chariots and palkis were sent for them. They all changed into them and entered panchal. Everyone was hailing them but specially their son in law arjun.

They entered the palace entrance where the royal family and yadav family welcomed them. Then Draupadi did their arti. As groom couldn't see the bride before marriage, she had a pallu on her head. Something that arjun didn't like at all. He had waited so much for one gaze of her and these stupid traditions were testing his patience.

 He had waited so much for one gaze of her and these stupid traditions were testing his patience

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She went away as she couldn't stay their for long. Then all of them went to their allowed rooms to rest till marriage. Draupadi even though couldn't meet them but made sure they stayed comfortably. Her in laws were impressed with her indeed.

Draupadi sat on the same swing looking at the moon that she did years ago. Years ago, she was a aimless woman who had no knowledge of anything. She was just a wandering soul looking at everything with curosity and today she has become someone else. A woman of competence and courage. She has got a mission. To re establish dharma along with arjun and kanha. All thanks to her govind.......

She was holding the morpankh she got on her birth and looked at it. This was the sign of her beloved sakha that he wears for remembering his yashoda maiya, Gopis and his Radha.

For everyone radha must be ayaan wife but for her she is her govind's. She mustn't be his wife but she was his first and greatest love. They are connected eternally. Radha bina krishna nhi aur krishna bina Radha nhi..... (radha krishna don't exist without each other.)They are eternally each other's too. Their love was pure but has to sacrifice a lot. She couldn't think what could been the state of Radha now. How could she stay away from krishna. She has just now met Arjun and she couldn't think what would happen if he leaves her, but radhakrishna love was from childhood itself. No one could love like radharani and perhaps this is one debt that krishna couldn't pay. Forever people will sing and remember radhakrishna, the epitome of pure and sacrificing love. But still how much pain the poor soul has to suffer just for loving. Here everyone was praising krishna-rukmini. Yes they do look beautiful too. The ideal couple goal. She is happy for Rukmini as she got the love of her life but radha.... Radha must have imagined her full life with krishna but look where destiny put us no one knows. And Radha Krishna represent that love was painful too. And even it was pure people could taint u. And even though u could face all troubles together, u just couldn't end up together sometimes.

But krishna has Rukmini, satyabhama and other astabharyas too whom he loved, who are totally devoted to him. But whom did Radharani had who could be her support. Sometimes she feel as if radharani herself is screaming for the pain in her love.  Krisnna once remarked that he will suffer like her in his next birth. But draupadi doesn't want that for govind. She knows it will be very painful and how could she let him suffer?

She sighed and prayed god to lessen Radha's pain everyday since she came to know her story. Tomorrow she is going to marry arjun and her path will not be easy. But she will give her best.
All my dear readers are respectfully invited to the most beautiful wedding of krishnaaxarjum. Plz do come and bless them.🙏

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Jai shree krishna.🙏

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