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"We can't..." Arjun whispered as he dugged his face in his mother's lap.

"How will we live without you mata?" Sahdev choked out as tears streamed down all of their eyes.

"How can they do that?" Devika shouted angrily as Hidimba supported her.

" it's for the best," Draupadi whispered.

All of them looked at her in shock and Arjun asked angrily," how is it for the best? They are separating our  mother from us. Do you even realise what you are saying."

Kunti ran her fingers through her son's hair to calm him down. Never had she seen him getting angry with his wife.

"Because Arya," she began patiently
"tell me do you want that our mata who has suffered a lot in her life to suffer again? Do you want her to live shelterless and sleep on cold hard ground with minimum food during her old age? Do you want that? We all know how khandavprasth is Arya especially you."

"You are right..." Yuddhisthira whispered through the knot formed in his throat.

" Exactly!!! She has done a lot for all of us and now we will fulfill the dreams that she, mata madri and pitashree Pandu had seen. And then after fulfilling each of them we will bring her back, and give her the highest position that was ever given to a woman. This is what our mata deserved." Draupadi spoke encouraging all of them.

" Take me with you too bhabishree. I will serve all my bhratas and bhabhishrees, I can't live without you all." Yuyutsu spoke as he got encouraged again to serve the family that had accepted him in the worst and given him the love he desired.

" No yuyutsu. If you will come then who will we trust mata with? You have to do the most precious and important work of us all, yuyutsu" Draupadi began again as he carresed his cheeks and spoke like a mother teaching her son. Yuyutsu will always be her first son. They just share a special bond. Draupadi was his mother, his sister, his teacher, his guide and he can't be more grateful to his bhrata for bringing her in his life. She taught his confidence, she taught him to stand against adharm, she taught him to stand against kauravs and most of all guided him on the path of self love and acknowledgement. And at the moment he couldn't stop the tears that streamed down as the thought of all of them going away clouded his mind. How will he walk on path of dharma without his jyesth, who will steal his food, who will teach him warfare, who will accompany him pranks or who will star gaze at him. He will be alone. Again. He cried loudly in Draupadi's lap just like a small child as all of them tried to pacify him but he can't. His bhabi Devika, who is the pampering elder sister to him and will save him from punishments, his Hidimba bhabi, who will scold him like a mother when he does any pranks, his little sister Karenumati who will join him in pranks or his baby sister Vijaya who will run after him asking him questions. How will he live without them? His prati and Yadhamanyu, his first nephews who showed him how beautiful the world can be. His ghatotkach, whose naughtiness will win his heart over and the new child. How can he live without them all?

"Yuyutsu," Draupadi spoke as she ran her fingers in his hair only to get a sob in return.

"I cant, I can't alone please..."

"Yuyutsu, we will come back soon and don't worry. You are the bravest man I have ever seen. You have to pass this test. I know you can. For all of us."

His sobs seized as he looked at all of them when his brothers took him in a hug. Yes, he will not dissapoint them. The sound of trumpets rang in their ears indicating the time of departure.

All of them sat in their palkis with their respective spouse as Arjun looked back at his family for the last time.

"All will be well Arya, believe in God and yourself" Draupadi spoke squeezing his hands in hers as as wiped his tears.

" ye-yeah. you take rest for a while otherwise you will tire yourself out. And..."

" And...?"

" Sorry I got angry on you."

"So what I throw all my tantrums on you and you still love and pamper me so lovingly. You got angry because you were in grief and as your wife I should understand you and stay with you in your worst and throw tantrums at you when you are happy. Btw You know how jealous all are of me. During the celebrations all asked me why you love me so much"

" hmm...." Arjun hummed as he grazed on her palms. He was still guily for doing that infront of all. No matter how much angry or sad he was, she was his wife. His pregnant wife now. He shouldn't have done that. Take out all his sadness on her infront of all.

" I love you Arya." She spoke put randomly as she gazed in his eyes.

"Why so randomly?" He asked teasingly as he pushed the guilt back, new idea of making her happy came in his mind.

" if I tell you that I love than shouldn't you tell it back to me?" She pouted as she continued " I am so unlucky my husband doesn't love me."

"Acha I don't love you Haan. Then who fulfills all your midnight desires and take care of you? I hope our baby doesn't get your drama and naughtiness."

" What do you mean by that? You don't like me also" draupadi cried as she hid her face in her palms.

" arre my jaan, my drama queen, if I didn't like you why will I take the risk to marry you. I was teasing you. Now if you don't stop this, no more pickles for you"

" you are so bad." Draupadi concluded with a pout as she ballooned her cheeks only to get a kiss in return.

"Aww... baby look at your mata. Totally looking like a tomato. Acha now my tomato you take rest. Or you and baby both will get tired."

Draupadi punched his chest jokingly as She rested her head in his shoulders and she rested in his arms. A smile crept on his lips as he witnessed her smiling in her sleep when his gaze fell on her stomach.

When will you show?

He thought as he looked impatiently. Not knowing what destiny planned for him as a pair of onyx eyes gazed at them.

What are your thoughts on yuyutsu?

Aren't Ardi the most adorable couple ever???

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Jai shree Krishna 🙏

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