Just My Thought

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Hello guys, hope you all are fine.

Today it's not an update but about the lies, I am finding. Sometimes I wonder how people who claim to read Mahabharat and have knowledge of them can call Kaurav correct along with Karn.

But today I found the most hilarious facts ever. Karn had gone to rest, he didn't run away. Someone commented that Shree Krishna got knowledge of Geeta from Karn.

Someone once commented that great people are great and the words that he(karn) spoke about mata Draupadi were correct. And the fact that it was a woman herself.

Calling Yuddhisthira, the dharma raj along with shree Krishna Adharmi...

I have nothing against them. And I won't claim I know everything, I am still learning about them. They all are morally grey characters of our history from whom we are supposed to learn and not judge. But some people are a darker shade of grey while some people are a lighter shade of it.

It made me think that people always want a perfect flawless hero.

Everyone sees how yuddhisthira bet on his wife but no one is seeing nowadays how he became a father figure to his brothers at a young age. He was carrying the responsibility of his mother and brothers and never complained because of it. No one is seeing the love he had for his wife. We get angry yes, but how much he lamented and called himself a fool in front of all respected brahmins and praised her. How many men will do it today? He let her handle the treasury. Supported her in a job when people of this age don't do that. Yes, he was reluctant to war and was calm about it but it was a personal affair. As a king, he had to think of the subject's life also.

And people be like calling Arjun arrogant. Did you live with him? You were his classmate? His soldier anything? For everyone who knew him called him humble. A person who never credited himself for his wins. What privilege did he have? Riches to Rags is harder than Rags to riches. Being a prince he had seen more forests than luxuries. He spent more time in wars than with his children and wives. He was soft-hearted despite being a warrior.

And some people are claiming that Arjun was smiling when he pierced Bhisma with arrows.

The war was not only for their wife but also for the fulfillment of Dharma. So stop bashing mata Draupadi by calling her a bloodthirsty woman. She was loved by mata Kunti more than her sons. She was praised by everyone even her enemies. Why would an arrogant woman be praised then?

Even devi Satyabhama asked for marriage tips when commenting that all her husbands looked at her bewitched and anticipating what she will speak of them next. They never shout at her or anything. This according to me is love and not lust as some people claim.

And now the most disgusting was mata Draupadi was not Sati. Why? Because she married 5 men? She handled 5 marriages. A woman had to give more effort back then to keep the house balanced. What sacrifice she didn't do for them...

Sorry guys for troubling you with my anger. But it had been too much to handle for some days and I wanted to vent it out.

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