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Tanjiro finally made it back home. He was so relieved he felt like he could drop right there. Then suddenly, a figure emerged from the door and came to greet him with a tight hug. "N-Nezuko?" he cried as he hugged his beloved sister back and they both dropped to the ground. Moments later Urokodaki joined them, also tearing up, he hugged the two children until he was sure it wasn't a dream and that the boy had actually come home alive.

The small somewhat family enjoyed their little moment until the older man ushered them both inside and they had a meal. 

"You made it back safe and sound. I'm glad and very proud of you, Tanjiro." Urokodaki praised him in his usual monotonous tone. "Thank you, Urokodaki." Tanjiro thanked and the two continued to enjoy their meal while Nezuko slept the night away.

As they were cleaning up, suddenly, Tanjiro picked up a new scent. He jerked his head up and looked around the room. There's..... someone here. Not a demon but a......Girl?


Suddenly the boy was tackled to the ground by an unfamiliar female who crushed him in a tight hug. "I was so worried! It felt like forever! I don't think you'd make it back, Uro was worried sick as well. It was so sad!! I'm so happy you're back!" she wailed as she continued to latch onto him. 

Tanjiro gaped at the foreigner, confused. "Um... I'm sorry but, who are you?" he asked and she stood up. Her short purple hair swung from side to side as she bounced into a standing position and her large doe-like magenta eyes batted ever so innocently at him. It was then that Tanjiro noticed the mask on the side of her head, the way Makomo wore hers. It was a pretty shade of blue and purple that complimented her hair:

 It was a pretty shade of blue and purple that complimented her hair:

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She must be.... One of Urokodaki's pupils. But.... why didn't I smell her all this time? The boy thought. The masked man stood, just watching the whole thing unfold when the girl suddenly got a quriky grin. She stood behind Tanjiro and said in a whisper-yell.

"She must be... One of Urokodaki's pupils. But... why didn't I smell her all this time?" Her grin only widened as she saw the awestruck expression that painted Tanjiro's face. She continued to talk, "Wait... How did she.... She's saying exactly what I'm thinking! Even now! As I'm thinking it! How..." "How?" Tanjiro then echoed.

She didn't answer, instead she made her way to stand behind Urokodaki. She spoke, "Tsubasa, enough with these childish games," in a mockingly grumpy tone. "Instead, properly introduce yourself." She ran back to Tanjiro, "So she is one of his pupils. And she's narrating my thoughts again!" 

At this point the boy was utterly terrified. The girl burst out laughing, "You should see your face right now! You're all, 'she's laughing!? She seems to find it funny.' Well I do find it funny. your reaction was priceless! Father, tell him his reaction was priceless!" she turned to the older man.

"Father!?" Tanjiro exclaimed. "Urokodaki has a child!?" Urokodaki sighed, "I have told you time and again to not call me that." he said but secretly liked the title. "Why don't we have some tea so I can explain everything?" "Tea!" the girl exclaimed happily and proceeded to make some while the two males went to take a seat in the other room.


Once the tea was served, the mysterious girl took a seat next to the masked man while Tanjiro sat on the opposite side. The boy stared at her, concentrating on her scent once more. She smelt like.... a flower? A lotus to be exact. Tanjiro was beyond sure that he'd never experienced such a scent in this area.

"Is she a new student? No, she has a Nichirin Blade. She's a Demon Slayer. So why..." the girl whispered the entire time Tanjiro thought the exact words. "How!?" Tanjiro exclaimed once more. "Tanjiro. This is Tsubasa Tsukushiro," Urokodaki started. "She has been once of my pupils since she was very young. And... one of the very few....... to pass the Final Selection," he ended with a grim tone.

"Hi Tanjiro! Nice to finally meet you," Tsubasa smiled and waved at him. Tanjiro smiled and waved back. He thought something and suddenly, the girl's cheery expression turned glum and cold. She dropped her head and whispered, "No, I wasn't like Sabito and Makomo. I survived the Final Selection without running into that demon. Sometimes though, I wish I did. Or rather, they didn't." Tears threatened to fall.

Urokodaki placed a hand on her shoulder. Seconds later she was laughing again. "Anyway, as I said before I'm glad you made it back." Then she looked into his eyes and rolled hers. "Your pondering is annoying and loud! You feel like a balloon that's about to explode, just ask the question already!" she whined.

Tanjiro was snapped out of his thoughts and did as he was told and asked, "How are you able to narrate my thoughts like that?" Tsubasa grinned proudly, "Well Tanjiro, just like you were gifted with a keen nose, I also have a special power of my own." "Tsubasa can sense and feel the thoughts and emotions of others. She can read anyone like an open book." the masked man explained.

Tsubasa pouted, "I wanted to tell him." "You can... read people?" Tanjiro asked. "Not just people, everything and everyone. Demons too, all they need to be is in close proximity to me and I can predict every single thing they'll think and do. That's how I survived." "So then, how come I couldn't smell you all this time?" he then asked.

The girl shrugged, "You didn't pay attention maybe? According to you I smell like a flower right? Maybe you thought it was just the smell of the surrounding area or something." The boy slowly nodded, "Right." "Father's tired!" Tsubasa then announced, "I have told you Tsubasa..." Urokodaki was cut off, "You have told me to stop calling you that. Which is exactly why I still do." she grinned, earning a sigh from the man. And with that, the night continued until everyone went to bed and the day ended. 


So......... end of Chapter One! Whadaya think? Good? Bad? Awful? Trash? Give up? Please let me know and feel free to vote and comment. I love hearing from you all!

Have a Happy day, afternoon or night wherever you are and always be the light that brights up someones day!


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