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The very second the words her mouth, Susamura knew she'd gone and made the biggest mistake in her entire immortal life. Well.... not so immortal anymore now. The tiniest of smiles tugged at Lady Tamayo's lips, knowing her plan had worked. She announced. "You've set off Muzan Kibutsuji's curse.

No demon under his is ever allowed to speak his name out loud. You know that." Just then, the Temari demon started running around, begging for mercy. But sadly, it wasn't enough. Hands made their way right through her body and mouth. And finally, the hand that came out from her mouth crushed her entire head in a split second.

Tsubasa's grin faded as she watched the scene unfold. Brutal. She thought. Even the people that are devoted to serving him are to suffer like this? He truly is the devil himself. A single tear made its way down her face as Tanjiro came back having finally defeated the arrow demon. He looked at the dead corpse with a melancholy expression.

"Mari...." Tsubasa said in a voice full of sorrow and pain. The demon was still vaguely alive and its painful thoughts were taking their toll on the girl. "Huh?" Tanjiro asked. "Mari....." was all she manged to repeat. The maroon haired boy saw the hand of the almost dead body reaching out for something. He found a Temari not too far from him.

Tanjiro picked it up and brought it to the corpse. "Here's your mari.." he whispered and faintly smiled. "Play... with me." Tsubasa whispered again, tears cascading her face once more. "Play.... with...." she dropped to her knees. Susamaru was dead. She was freed from her agonizing thoughts and feelings.

The older boy rushed to the girl's side. Though he was also severely injured, he had to make sure she was alright. "Are you okay, Tsubasa?" he asked, already knowing the answer. She smiled, tiredly, at him and nodded only slightly, "Yeah, fine." she whispered. It was then that the sun began to rise.


Tanjiro and Tsubasa made their way into a basement in the house where Lady Tamayo, Yushiro and Nezuko were. Once in, Nezuko went to hug her older brother. "Hey there, Nezuko." he beamed. Tsubasa rushed into Lady Tamayo's arms once again and broke down in tears. This time the demon didn't hesitate to return the hug. 

Cradling her gently, she whispered soothing things to the child. It was then that Tanjiro randomly remembered something: Tsubasa's constant reference to Sabito. In every battle or any moment they sensed demons, she'd mention his name and how he was no longer here. This struck the maroon haired boy as odd and he planned to find an answer.

Not long after, Nezuko ran to hug the older lady as well and then proceeded to pat Yushiro on the head to which he strongly tried to reject but to no avail. Tsubasa hesitantly released her, still lingering near as she asked, "Who's Rokuta?" Tanjiro was taken aback by the sudden question. "Our... youngest brother. He was the last born child and was closest to Nezuko."

"Maybe that's why she's seeing agitated chihuahua as him then. And Lady Tamayo as your mother. Nezuko sees you as family." "But I thought she was only hypnotised to see humans as her family," Lady Tamayo stated. "To Nezu, you're as human as anyone else. Maybe even better that most."

With the last remark, Tamayo smiled a sad genuine smile and shed a few tears, causing Tanjiro and Yushiro to panic, both shouting at the girl but the demon soon shushed them saying it was okay. Then whispering a silent 'thank you' to Nezuko and gladly hugging her back. "Thank you so much."

After that,Lady Tamayo suggested that Nezuko accompany her and Yushiro on their journey to leave the town and live elsewhere, further away from the demon king. Both brother and sister politely denied the offer and bid them farewell while Tsubasa cried once more at the fact of leaving such a pure presence and going back into the crowded city.


As they walked, Tanjiro thought it would be a good time to bring up the topic that had been plaguing his mind. "Hey, Tsubasa?" he called, she hummed in response. The older boy stayed silent a moment, half guessing she would read his mind and answer the question before he even asked it. But no such response came.

The purplette was drained. No one could mistake her forced movements and droopy eyes for anything else. They still weren't far from the town. Maybe the thoughts of all the people still flooded her mind? Or they way they felt messed with the state she was currently in? Tanjiro had no way of knowing. Still, he asked.

"You mention Sabito a lot. He was one of Urokodaki's pupils but of coarse you already knew that. You make reference to him when we face or sense a demon. I was just wondering why. If you don't mind telling me, of coarse." he added quickly with a small smile. There was a long silence before she finally spoke.

"A few years after father.... Urokodaki, took me in, he came back with Sabito. He also became one of his pupils and progressed way faster than me, probably because he was older. Sabito, Makomo and I became the closest of friends and eventually........ My feelings for Sabito grew into something more."

She paused as Tanjiro took it all in. "A year later I decided it was time I told him and..... turns out he felt the same. Sabito and I became boyfriend and girlfriend. We were happy...." More tears drenched her face. "Everything was fine.... Everything was perfect...... I had Sabito. My life was complete."

Tsubasa was now choking on sobs as she spoke. "But then..... then he.... sliced his boulder..... he was ready....... I still...... still wasn't ....... strong enough. He went..... to the Final........ Final Selection and.... and.... and when the....... when the seven days were over........ he didn't...... didn't come back. I waited. And waited. ......I waited for so long...... He never came back.

There could only be one....... possible answer. And when his name...... wasn't on this list of people who....... who survived the trial I....." the girl dropped herself once more but this time Tanjiro was quick to catch her. She broke down on the spot. She was in love with Sabito. Then he was taken from her. Its too sad, she's suffered so much. The older boy thought as he cradled the trembling girl.


After Tusbasa had calmed down, they continued their journey in silence. Her expression was still sad and her cheeks were still tear-stained. But then..... They always are. Tanjiro noticed. Tsubasa cried so much for so many reason he wondered if the girl had ever genuinely been happy. She was happy when Sabito was around. She'll be happy again someday. He concluded.

She'll be happy again someday. 


Two chapters in one day!? I'm on a roll!!<3 Hope you enjoyed this one. Now we've learnt a little more about Tsubasa's past, what'll happen next? How will she react when two more people soon join their group. Will she like them? Hate them? Love them? Let's find out shall we?


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