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Once inside, Tanjiro smelt something weird and strong. He covered his nose, "What...is that?" he breathed. "Um. Tsubasa? I'm hearing something weird and scary, are you sure you don't hear that?" Zenitsu asked, latched on to her waist while she dragged him. "There's more than one demon in here," Tsubasa calmly said though the presence of multiple demons was making it hard to breathe for her.

"Are you sure you're okay?" the maroon haired boy then asked, "Why don't you stay outside with the......" "Tanjiro! Miss Tsubasa!" Before he could finish his sentence, the two children from before came running after them. "What're are you doing here? Its not safe." Tsubasa asked, wondering how they'll ever fight while protecting the two.

"We're sorry. But there were scratching noises coming from the box so we got scared and came after you," the boy apologized. "It's okay, I just wish you hadn't left it outside. What's in that box is more precious to me than my own life." Tanjiro said with a gentle smile. Tsubasa still searched for a solution.

"I promise there's nothing bad in the box. But you need to go back outside and hi...." she was cut off by the sound of something and the room suddenly changing. With the front door no where near, the usually calm girl started to panic. "Oh no, no, no,no. They have to get out. They need to leave. There's multiple things in here, it's not safe, its not...."

"Calm down Tsubasa," Tanjiro cut her off, confused by how phased she was. Normally she'd giggle and say it would be even more fun with a challenge, but now she was spiraling. "We'll be fine, so don't worry." "Don't worry? I can hear every bad thought, every sinister feeling that is being felt at this very moment and you expect me to not worry!?" she snapped.

Then suddenly, someone grabbed her arm, she looked to see they young girl staring up at her. "Please miss Tsubasa, Tanjiro is right. You won't be able to do anything if you can't think straight so please calm down." she begged. A moment passed before the purplette bent down- with much difficulty because Zenitsu was still holding on to her for dear life.

"You're right." she admitted, "A person who does what we do (she didn't say Demon Slayer cause it would scare the children) would never be able to do the job right if they didn't have a clear mind. Thank you for reminding me of that." Tsubasa smiled.

"Now come on," Tanjiro announced when all of a sudden. "Insects," Tsubasa blurted. "Huh?" "The damn insects!" And with that, there was that sound again. The room changed again. But this time they weren't with Zenitsu and the boy. Tanjiro and Tsubasa were alone. With a child. And a demon right in front of them. 

"Ssh," Tanjiro whispered to the young whimpering child and told her to go hide but stay close. The girl did as she was told while for the first time, Tsubasa took a stance. A proper stance. With a strained expression and tears welling in her eyes. "The damn insects," she whispered once more. Then Tanjiro realized.

Something's wrong!  For the first time, she panicked back there. And now  she's in a fighting stance when the demon hasn't so much as lifted a finger. I can smell it to but what is it? Fear.... no. Worry..... not that either. Could it be.... He didn't have time to finish his thought. They found the source of the strange sound.

It was the drums on the demon's body. "The room's gonna spiral," Tsubasa announced in a monotonous tone. And she reigned true. The demon beat a drum on the right of his chest and the room turned right, sending Tanjiro and the young girl flying to the other side. Tsubasa however, remained stationery.

"Again," she said. The demon hit the drum on the right of his chest. The room turned left. That was when Tanjiro realized that he should be listening to her words. He told the girl to hold on to some furniture while he went to stand next to his partner. "Right, you can predict his moves. We're at the advantage." he said. Tsubasa simply nodded.

Then the two noticed a new presence. Not a demon but..... the drum was hit again. The room spun and the three, caught off guard, went tumbling. Then someone else appeared. At first glance they thought it was a demon because he had a boar head and a human body, shirtless. Then they realized that he was wearing the Corps uniform trousers with some sort of hide on it.

He took a  proud stance on top of the young child. The second Tsubasa saw this, she snapped. She stood up, angry and yanked the child from beneath him, sending the mysterious figure flying. 

"What is your problem!?" she hollered. "This child is scared and probably injured and you have the audacity to step on her? Have you no shame!?" A dual wielder. She noticed because of the two blades strapped to his sides.

"You dare throw me off that thing!? Damn you! Who they hell do you think you are to challenge me!? The Great Inosuke Hashibira!! DAMN YOU! FIGHT ME!! FIGHT ME!!!" He hollered in an angry and aggressive tone. He drew his swords and lunged at her. Tsubasa dodged every single attack, all with the child in her arms. There might've been something wrong but it didn't hinder her abilities entirely.

After Tanjiro finally broke them apart, Insokue went after him as well. Then the demon hit the drum again, sending the boar masked man into a whole different room and the three into  a new one. The drum beat over and over again until eventually the found themselves in a room with one other person.

The child ran over to him, claiming that he was her older brother. Tsubasa some-what relaxed, knowing he was still alive. The boy went over to explain that the demons in that house had fought over who would get to eat him. Something about.... Marechi? He wasn't sure. But when the drum fell from one of the demon, he hit it and the room changed. That's he had survived all this time.

"You did well on your own. Don't worry, we'll handle it now." Tsubasa smiled at him. The boy seemed doubtful seeing as the child was younger than him, but at this point he was too desperate to care. He nodded. "You and your sister stay here. If you hear even the smallest sound or any kind of movement, switch rooms immediately." Tanjiro instructed.

Then he turned to the purplette. "Tusbasa, maybe you should stay here. You're still weak and could get hurt." "You're underestimating me. It's annoying." was all Tsubasa said before she walked ahead of him. 

"Now come on. Let's go play."


I finished this way faster than I thought I would. But I'm happy it's out now. Just finished season 1 of Demon Slayer and lemme say it's now one of my favorite anime. Anyway! Hope you're enjoying the book so far. Now the whole group had been met. What'll happen next? I wonder............

Happy day and Happy reading!!<3


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