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 "Emotion Breathing, Sixth Form:" The familiar baby blue mist encapsulated the siblings, giving them a full view of all their happiest memories, and the happy ones they wished to make in the future. But when Tsubasa went in with a swing to cut off Nezuko's head, it cut the building behind instead, slicing the entire brick wall in half.

⁘•⁎Calm Before The Storm.⁎•⁘

Tsubasa sighed, "I couldn't. I just couldn't," she said to no one in particular. "Nezuko... She's not evil. I would know. There's no way."

"Huh, your sister is one flashy demon," Tengen said as he appeared in the scene. Daki's eyes widened at the sight of him. The Hashira had come to her, she didn't need to hunt for him after all. Before Tanjiro could mutter a response, he exclaimed. "NO ONE TOLD YOUR SISTER TO BECOME ONE FLASHY DEMON!! GET HER UNDER CONTROL ALREADY!!"

"Hey!" Daki exclaimed, readying herself to attack. "You're a Hashira! Finally, a real..."

"Shut up. I'm not talking to you," Tengen cut her off like it was nothing. "So you couldn't do it after all, huh?" he then asked Tsubasa. She dropped her gaze to the ground and shook her head. "Well, if Master asks, I was never part of it. And you."

He shifted his attention to the maroonette. "Get your sister under control. I can't deal with a screaming brat while in battle. Sing her a soothing lullaby or whatever un-flashy thing you do."

"Hey! I'm talking to you!!" Daki yelled, angry now."

"And I said shut up." The Sound Hashira deadpanned at her. "You can't be an Upper Moon. You're too weak and un-flashy to be."

"What did you just..." Before she could take a single step forward, Daki's head fell off. Just like that. Tsubasa had to stifle a laugh when she saw the demon's reaction. 

"Hey, this fight's not over," Tengen said once more as he glared at Tanjiro. "Do something about her." He turned his back to them, readying for round two, while Tsubasa knelt down in front of them.

"Maybe you should actually sing her a lullaby," she suggested, knowing full well that was the only solution. "I might just calm her down."

Tanjiro thought hard. No matter what he tried to say, nothing was getting through to his sister. What, just what could he do? What would mother do!!? That's when it dawned on him. Still struggling with keeping her in his grasp, he gasped rather than sang...

"Hush hush... baby rabbit... on the hillside!" he fought for his breath. 
"Why are your... ears so long?
When I was small... my mother... ate the leaves... of a tall tree
That's why my ears... are so long!!"

Tsubasa, seeing his struggling, decided to take matters into her own hands and assist him. The faster they got Nezuko out of her daze, the better. So she also took a deep breath and smiled her brightest as she sang softly, as though trying to put a child to sleep:

"Hush. hush, baby rabbit on the hillside
Why are your eyes so red?
When I was small, my mother ate the fruit of the red tree
That's why my eyes are so red."

It was a moment and a half before Nezuko suddenly burst into insanely loud tears! She wailed extremely loudly while Tanjiro calmed her, and eventually, she fell asleep. Tsubasa watched the entire scene with a small on her face. Sorry, Master. I failed. Please forgive me. She thought before standing to join the Sound Pillar.

They were going to start off but a shrill voice stopped them. "Wait a second!!" it screamed. "Just where do you think you're going!?" Tengen and Tsubasa gave Daki bored looks. "I can't believe you cut off my head!! You won't get away with this!!"

"Are you still whining?" Tsubasa glared at her with a smile.

"You bore me, so just die already," Tengen spat.

"Get over yourselves!" Daki retorted. "Also, why did you say I'm not an Upper Ranker!?"

"Because you're not an Upper Rank," the whitette answered as though it was obvious.

"I'm Upper Six!!"

"Yeah? Then why has your head been cut off?" Tsubasa beamed. "Clearly, you're not strong enough. Has your brain been stripped too?"

"I've never lost a battle in my life!!" the beheaded demon continued to whine. "I earned the title Upper Six!!"

"Clearly, you lost today."

"I'm Upper Rank Six!! I'm really strong, but I'm gonna keep getting stronger!!"

Tengen shrugged. "Not very convincing."

There was beat of silence. Then there was a cry. Daki's cry. The demon was wailing louder than a newborn as fat tears dropped from her eyes. The Hashira deadpanned as she continued to cry. "It's true! I really am Upper Rank 6! I have the number on my eye and everything!! Because I'm so amazing!!"

The Sound Pillar was going to comment more but Tsubasa hushed him. "Something strange is going on. You cut her head off but she's not disintegrating. And to top it off, her feeling changed. There wasn't a trace of malice before, but now she feels as bloodthirsty as a starving wolf. And somehow... it's coming from her, but not from her."

"Die! Die! Everybody die!!" she continued to cry and hit the floor as though throwing a tantrum. "He cut off my head, the bully! Big brother!! Gyutaro!! Save me!!"

Big... brother??

Suddenly, the source of the feeling Tsubasa got became clear. Out of Daki's back came another dark presence. Another demon! Tsubasa was unsheathing her blade when Tengen attacked already. But it seemed they both dodged, for they were already on the other end of the room with Daki sitting against the wall.

"Crying won't do you any good," Gyutaro told her, his raspy voice speaking in a gentle tone. "You've gone and lost your head, you should pin it to your shoulders."

I took her head off but she isn't dying, Tengen thought, slightly perplexed. And that one that came from her back- Who is he!? His reflexes are incredible. 

"Oh no, your face got burnt?" Gyutaro continued to console Daki. "And you were so cute. When you have an asset like that, you need to take care of it."

The Hashira shared a look and dashed forward faster than a speed of light. But just when they thought they had him, suddenly, he was behind them! They whirled around in shock. Tengen's flashy headband was sliced almost in half and there was a small gnash on his head, while Tsubasa's warding mask fell to the ground, a featherlight touch away from shattering and her having a large cut on her cheek. 

"Wow, you're pretty good," Gyutaro praised, holding two scythes in his hands. "You both dodged my attack. And I was trying to kill you. You're good," he smirked. "Yeah. Definitely good."



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