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"Those are," an old woman who owned one of the House of Tokito spoke. "some really ugly girls, well except for the one in purple. She's alright." 

The Sound Pillar and the four children were currently initiating phase one of locating the demon, which was sending them off into each of the three houses that he'd sent his wives into. And so far, it seemed luck was on their side.

"I'm sorry but," the old man spoke. "We just received some new help, so we can't..."

"Well, I suppose we could take one," the woman spoke, eyeing the man who was supposedly selling the 'girls'.

"Then all I ask is that you take one," Tengen spoke with a calm smile. "Thank you, ma'am."

"We'll take the middle one," she said. "She looks honest!"

"I'll work as hard as I can!" Tanjiro spoke in a voice that was so badly falsettoed it was laughable. "Thank you for the opportunity."

Once the transaction was done, the remainder of the group went on to the next House. "You two are completely hopeless," Tengen deadpanned. "I'll have to sell you dirt cheap. And Tsubasa, if you hadn't insisted on staying with the boar, you could have gone in Tanjiro's place."

"That's alright!" the purplette beamed. "Inosuke can't pull of a falsetto to save his life! So I'll be speaking on his behalf, make it look like he's mute or something."

"Hey! What's going on over there?" Inosuke pointed at where a small crowd was gathering. They followed his gaze and saw a beautiful woman dressed in expensive looking garments, walking at a snail's pace surrounded by people holding umbrellas over her head, even in the dead of night.

"Oh, it's a courtesan procession," Tengen replied. "That's Koinatsu, an Oiran from House Tokito."

"WHAT!? THAT'S YOUR WIFE!!!?" Zenitsu exclaimed, misunderstanding completely. "THAT GODDESS IS YOUR WIFE!? NO WAY!! ARE ALL OF THEM THAT BEAUTIFUL!!??!"

"That's not my wife!!" Tengen yelled back at him. "I wrote down their names for you, idiot!!"

"You move so slow," Inosuke spoke to no one in particular. "In the mountains, you'd get killed right away." Tsubasa merely smiled at his random comment when suddenly she felt a presence behind her. It wasn't like the many passer bys that she'd felt. This one was approaching them. 

"Excuse me, kind sir," the Pillar turned his attention to a woman who eyes Inosuke was a peculiar gaze. "But if you're looking for somewhere to place that child, I'll take her in." The boar looked around him, thinking she was talking about either Tsubasa or Zenitsu. But nope, the strange woman was literally ogling at him. 

"I'm the Madam at House Ogimoto, and I have an eye for talent," the woman went on.

"House Ogimoto! I'd be grateful for that!" Tengen beamed. "But I'm afraid young Inoko cannot be sold alone."

"Pardon me," Tsubasa spoke under her breath, holding onto a fidgeting with the sleeve of Inosuke yukata and making herself look smaller. "I..I hope it's not too much to ask but...If you could only be so kind...I really don't want to separate from my sister," she squeaked.

Zenitsu and Inosuke gave her weird looks. She was so different from the loud, bodacious Tsubasa they were used to. They knew she was a child of many talents, but didn't know acting was one of them. Tengen, on the other hand, rose to the task of playing along.

"Ah yes, Tsumiki and Inoko, they don't like to be apart, you see," he explained as though he was used to telling the story. "Inoko is a very quiet girl, while Tsumiki is very timid. They'd best not be separated."

"Oh well," the woman took a look at Tsubasa again. As if to prove a point, she shied further away behind Inosuke. "She is a cute one, I'm sure we could find a place to put her. Come along."

"Right, good luck Inoko! Tsumiki!"


"So? What do you think?" the madam of house Ogimoto beamed once she wiped of both Inosuke's and Tsubasa's make-up. "Her face was painted up weird, but look at her face! What a steal to get such a beautiful girl for so cheap! And her as well!"

"Yes, she is a beauty indeed," the assistant stared and Tsubasa in awe. "With the make up, she was beautiful, without is, she looks heaven sent!" The purplette shied away behind the boar, determined to keep up her shy girl demeanor, which made the woman chuckle at her behavior.

"I'll teach you! I'll train you!" the House Mother ecclaimed. "You'll both be bigger than Warabihime at House Kyogoku and Koinatsu at House Tokito COMBINED!!"

"But, isn't she a bit broad?" the assistant asked, feeling the boar's body. "Her sister is so tiny compared to her."

"Plump and meaty is good!" the madam beamed. "And petite yet curvaceous is also a good combo. Aren't these two great!?"

"She's more beefy than plump."

"Tsumiki, was it?" the assistant turned to the purplette. She jumped slightly at suddenly being called but recovered and gave a small smile with a nod. "You say you and Inoko are sisters? Well, you look nothing alike!"

"Ah, well you see," Tsubasa spoke, just above a whisper. "Our mother... could never settle down... Once Inoko was born...she moved on. Then... I was born as well from a different father. She says we take after our fathers, and despises us for it." On command, tears welled in her eyes as she spoke. "That's why... she sent us to be sold off. I'm sorry... if you don't believe.."

"No no, it's alright!!" the woman panicked, trying to calm her down. "Don't cry now! You'll be taken care of here! You both are very beautiful! You'll make it far, I assure you!!" she was just saying whatever came to mind, trying to get the girl to stop crying.

"Do you..." Tsubasa whimpered. "really mean that?"

"Yes, yes! Now stop crying otherwise the house mother will lecture me for bullying the new help!!" In a split second, the tears were gone and replaced by a placid smile, which calmed the woman's heart in an instant.

The brat it good, Inosuke thought to himself, stealing a glance at her through the hoards of older women that surrounded him for his 'beauty.' She could easily cover for me while I try collect information. But I'm not allowed to speak! How do I do that!? 

The girl red his mind and sprang into action once more. "Uh-um... excuse me," she called to one of the assistants. "W-would you mind telling me... the names of the Oirans in this house? Of course it's fine if you don't, I wouldn't want to inconvenience you in any way!"

"No, not at all," the woman smiled at her. "Is there anyone in particular you're looking for? Maybe I can help."

Yeah, Inosuke smirked, looking at the pretty girl he called his. My brat really is amazing.



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