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The two ran through the several rooms of the mansion while they changed from time to time, they stuck together. Until finally they heard the sound of the tsuzumi once more and at last they were face to face with Kyogai himself. Tanjiro took his stance but noticed that Tsubasa still hadn't. Is she back to normal?  He thought but then thought against it.

The girl looked strained. She was smiling but it was obviously forced. "You damn insects!" she yelled on behalf of the demon. "Why won't you just die already!? Insects!" And with that, the battle began.

It was a while before they finally figured out how the demon actually attacked them. When he beats the middle drum a claw like attack forms. And after that Tanjiro realized that a mold like smell always appeared before an attack, enabling them to dodge more efficiently. Tsubasa could vaguely predict what drum he was going to beat but it wasn't always accurate.

Finally, they got tired of simply dodging and Tanjiro attacked using "Total Concentration! .....Water Breathing Ninth Form: Splashing Water Flow!" This gave him sure footing even while the room rotated and he managed to cut off the arms of the demon. 

Paper flew everywhere but when it fell, Tanjiro and Tsubasa were careful not to trample on it. Kyogai seemed to notice this and was briefly distracted. This gave Tsubasa her chance. In a proper stance she drew her sword and grounded herself. "So you like music do you? Let's see how you like this!" She closed her eyes and took a deep breath:

"Emotion Breathing, second form....." She dashed forward and swung, a dark purple mist followed her movements. "Suffering Song! She yelled and with her blade, the mist sliced through the demon's neck clean. 

When she found the ground again, she knelt by the head and smiled softly. "Kyogai was it? Your Blood Demon Art was truly remarkable." she said then stood and turned. But just as they were about to leave. "Girl...." the demon head called and she faced him. "Did you really.... think.... my power was.... remarkable?" he asked.

"Very remarkable." she smiled once more, "I see." And with that, it evaporated into black dust. She bowed and offered a small prayer while Tanjiro drew blood before they found the boy and his little sister and finally made their way out of the hellish mansion.


Once outside, Tsubasa was greeted by severe pain and Tanjiro by the smell of blood. They rushed out to find Zenitsu being pummeled by the boar masked Demon Slayer known as Inosuke, yelling at him to draw his sword and fight him. It was then that Tanjiro noticed that the blonde was protecting the box that housed his sister. 

After breaking them apart, Tanjiro was his next target. Inosuke went after the maroon haired boy with just as much force. But just as he thought he had won, Tanjiro ran at him with all his might and.....Gave him a rock hard head-butt.

The attack left the boar dazed and immobilized. As he stood there, shaking from the contact, his mask fell off to reveal a set of very attractive feminine features. 

"Are you kidding me!?" Zenitsu exclaimed "THAT'S WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE!?!?!"

Big emerald green eyes that blazed with passion and power and short black to cerulean ombre hair are what dawned his perfectly shaped face. He glared at the blonde, a nasty cut in a 'x' crossed on his face, "THE HELL!?! AND WHAT'S WRONG WITH MY FACE HUH!?!" he growled. Before the blonde could say anything, he went and attacked. But just as he was about to land a blow..... he passed out.

Zenitsu started to panic, "What happened to him!? You didn't kill him did you Tanjiro!?" "I don't think so!" Tanjiro was equally as worried. "You gave him a concussion." Tsubasa clarified. "A bad one. It affected me as well."  "Sorry about that." he apologized. "No worries," she smiled once she regained her balance. 

Tanjiro and Zenitsu used their haoris to make a makeshift bed for him, using Zenitsu's as a pillow and Tanjiro's as a blanket. Tsubasa tasked herself with carefully setting him down and took that moment to take a proper look at his face. The calm expression that now took over his angry demeanor as his mind went blank into unconsciousness....


Was her first thought and something inside her changed. Like fluttering in her stomach. She made a face, trying to comprehend what the feeling was but then just decided to ignore it all together. I'm weak now, that's why. She concluded.

The girl then got Zenitsu, Tanjiro and the children and they all proceeded t bury the dead bodies. Then suddenly, Inosuke woke up with a start and, after a but of manipulation, they got him to help to and got the job done way faster than expected. It was then that the very familiar crow appeared in the sky and swooped down.

It spat something out on the oldest boy's hand. "It's a Wisteria Charm!" He squawked. "It wards of demons! As a person who has Marechi, it would be advised that you keep this on your person !" And with that, the children thanked the group and made their way back home. "Now Demon Slayers! Follow me! Follow me!" And with that, the four proceeded to follow the bird.


The walk seemed more tiring than it was supposed to for Tsubasa. She was constantly tripping over air and made them take many unnecessary breaks to the point is started to cause alarm. She hadn't been injured in battle... At least, not from what Tanjiro had seen. But there was no guarantee.

"Are you okay, Tsubasa?" Zenitsu finally asked during their fourth break that hour. "Yeah, I'm just really tired. Sorry for slowing you all down." she forced a smile. "If we go on at this pace night will fall and we'll have to fight again." Tanjiro pointed out. Tsubasa slowly got up, "Right. Sorry, we can...." she fell over before she could finish.

But just as she thought she'd hit the ground, her face collided with someone's chest. She sensed them immediately, "Sorry Tanjiro." she apologized once more and found her footing. "I could carry you, it would be faster." he suggested. The girl shook her head, "You're more hurt than me, I couldn't do that." she politely denied.

"I can carry you Tsubasa!~" Zenitsu brightly volunteered. That gives me an excuse to touch her beautiful body! He thought. The girl got disgusted at his thoughts but smiled either way. "Aren't you still dizzy from when Insouke beat you up?" His spirits were instantly lowered by her words. "It's fine, really you guys. Really, I'll manage." she reassured.

They continued their short journey and just like before, Tsubasa fell far behind to the point she had to run from time to time to keep up. Until finally her legs gave in and she dropped to the ground. "Tsubasa!" the blonde called in alarm, gaining the attention of the other two. "I'm fine," she assured, panting now. "Just give me.... a minute." 

"We don't have a minute! Damn you! How weak can you possibly be to not even be able to walk!?" Inosuke hollered. "And you call yourself a Slayer! Damn you! Get up and fight me! Get up! Get up!"He continued and the girl held her head, "Please stop yelling," she whimpered and tears drenched her face once more. 

The boar-masked man was taken aback by the sudden reaction and shut up. He looked at her, confused. Tanjiro ran to her side, "Tsubasa, are you okay? Does it hurt?" he asked for the millionth time. Then, the last thing anyone thought would happen, happened. 

Tsubasa was hoisted up and lifted into someone's arms. When her vision cleared, she was surprised to see... 


The boar-masked boy grunted in reply. It wasn't long before drowsiness fell over the child and her body shut down completely. Her world faded into blackness as she got the rest she ever so yearned for.


Second chapter today!! I'm kinda proud of myself now. And I bet the third one will be out by like 11pm tonight as well. I'm so excited for the story to progress and for more stuff to happen. I have mostly everything planned out and I'm super hyped to share them soon. Hope you're enjoying the story so far as much as I'm enjoying writing it!!!<3

Happy Day and Happy Reading!


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