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Meanwhile. The boys were yelling at each other about kami knows what. "Tanjiro! How dare you not tell me you've been travelling with such a cute girl this whole time!! I'll never forgive you!!" "Dammit! WHY WON'T JUST FIGHT ME! FIGHT ME! DAMN YOU!" "You guys it's the middle of the night! Quiet down!" "FIGHT ME!!" "I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!!" 

"You three."

The three froze as a foreign voice called them. They turned round to see a sleep deprived Tsubasa, her hair all over the place, her hand balled up in a fist and a vain popping on her forehead. The sight of her made them shiver instantly. "Ah, Tsubasa. Sorry, did we wake you?" Tanjiro asked with a smile.

"What the hell do you want Basnutsa!?" Inosuke yelled. She wasn't affected this time. She was angry as well. "Didn't anyone ever tell you that night time is for sleeping." she growled as she walked over to them. "Y-yeah, sorry about tha..." the maroon haired boy was cut off by her. "I don't give a damn how much noise you make during the day.

Once the sun goes down, you SHUT UP!! You got that!?" she glared at the three. Zenitsu got scared, he'd never seen this side of the sweet innocent child before. Tanjiro, however, had and he'd learnt the hard way.

~The night before their first mission~

"Urokodaki! Hello?" Tanjiro called, late one night, searching for his master. "Urokodaki?" he called again and just then the man appeared before him. He held his finger to his mouth, "Do not awaken the beast." he whispered. "The beast?" Tanjiro was confused. 

"It is a death wish to make such noise once she is asleep. The beast is quite dangerous if sleep deprived." the masked man warned. "She? Do you mean..." he was cut off by someone hitting him a with a small stone. Hard. "Ow! What was that for?" he turned, rubbing his head, and saw the purplette. 

Stone ready in one hand and a fist of the other. "The night time," she started and raised her hand. It was then that Tanjiro noticed that his master was long gone. "Is for sleeping you damn idiot!" she yelled and hit him the stone. Then with another, and another..... And another. Until he was trying to run away, hiding under anything he could find as cover.

But still she found him and the poor boy was stoned to a pulp by the child. The next morning he woke up with bruises he never thought would heal. That was when he learnt.

~Present day~

While Tsubasa stood there, planning her next move, Tanjiro took the opportunity to dash out of the room. "Sorry Zenitsu, Inosuke, you're on your own!" he called then slammed the door shut. The girl continued to glare at them. "Tsubasa, dear why don't we talk about this?" Zenitsu smirked and held one of her hands.

The next second he was on the opposite side of the room, seemingly unconscious. The boar-masked boy tensed up. "Is that a challenge!? DAMN YOU!! FIGHT ME!!" And with that he went and attacked. But his movements were slowed due to his injuries and the child dodged all of them effortlessly. "Just got to sleep will you." She mumbled and left.

Inosuke was left, stunned. She didn't  even yell at me back the way she did with Monjiro and weak-one. Have I really hurt her that much? A foreign emotion bubbled up in his chest..... Regret. He regretted yelling at the girl. He felt he had to do something. Say something. But what? He wasn't sure. But unfortunately, Tsubasa was back snoozing before she could pick up on his change in feeling. 


When Tanjiro knew it was safe to come back in, he entered with a guilty smile. "Sorry for ditching you like that," he started "It's just that Tsubasa can be scary when she's tired. Are you okay?" he asked Zenitsu who seemed to be floating on air. "I was thrown across the room by Tsubasa~" he breathed. "I was touched by her soft hands. Her soft hands."

He plopped onto the futon without another word. "What about you Inosuke?" The boar-masked boy just grunted in annoyance and sat on his sleeping area with a huff. Tanjiro left it at that and went to his own space.

The two laid down in silence, neither of them were sleepy. Inosuke's thoughts were racing and Tanjiro picked up on the scent. "Hey Inosuke," he called. "Is something bothering you?" There were several moments of silence before he finally spoke. "Hey, Tanrijo." "It's Tanjiro." "Whatever!" he huffed.

"That girl, Tsubana?" "Tsubasa." "Tsunaba. Yeah, her. Why does she always cry?" The question struck the boy as odd. "Everytime I speak, or when you got hurt. She started crying. Why?" Tanjiro took a moment to find an answer. "Tsubasa has a special gift. She can feel people's emotions and hear their thoughts."

"She can WHAT!? You're joking!" Tanjiro remained calm. "Its the truth. But it has a side effect. Because she can feel the way other people feel, it affects her as well. If any of us got hurt, she would feel the pain. Or if someone is thinking something bad or sinister, images would flash in her mind.

That's why she always cries. She's almost always in pain. And after we went through Asakusa, she only got weaker." "Oh." was all Inosuke was able to mumble. "It's kinda sad if you ask me. Even though she's hurting, she always puts on a smile. Even through her tears. Even though she lost the love of her life."

"Love of her life?" Inosuke echoed and suddenly there was a pang in his chest. Why the statement hurt him, he didn't know. He brushed the thought aside and just nodded, "Right." "If you don't mind me asking, why were you asking?" Tanjiro then asked. "I just wanted to know why she was always acting so damn annoying! Cryin' like a baby all the damn time. She's so weak if she can't even handle a little pain. Damn her! And she calls herself a slayer!"

The maroon haired boy would've argued to defend her but he had no energy to do so. Instead the two left it at that and proceeded to go to sleep. But just as they were about to doze off..........



So this took longer than I expected but it's finally out and now I can make the story progress more. Also, one thing: The group is kinda gonna stay here for a little longer than they did in the anime for the sake of the progression of the story.... Yh, that's it!<3

Happy Day and Happy Reading!!


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