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[A/N]: Warning! This will contain some spoilers from the anime from here on out. So, unless you're fine with spoilers, I suggest you finish watching the Mugen Train Arc before you continue reading the book. 
Thank you!! <3


"Again with your talk about demons!" a little girl, helping her grandmother in her shop whined. "It's already hard enough with mother being pregnant, and I heard father's shop isn't doing so well either. I just wanna sell bento and help out in any way I can!"

Her grandmother just smiled. "Then how about this, you'll help in the afternoon and I'll take care of the morning and nighttime shifts by myself, okay?"

"And what happens in the Slasher comes after you too!?" the little girl protested. 

"Well then I'd be more than happy to sacrifice my life for yours," her grandmother beamed. Just then, two.... no three figures walked up to them. 

"Well, good evening!" the first spoke. Dressed in a Corps uniform, a haori with flames at the bottom and hair the colors of sunset. It was none other than Flame Hashira, Rengoku Kyojuro! "Isn't the moon lovely today!?" he greeted with a jovial smile.

"We're looking for a demon," the other spoke in a much more calm tone, with a smile bright enough to rival the sun. "You haven't seen one, have you?"

"WHAT!? JUST LIKE THAT!?" the Slayer accompanying the two exclaimed along with the crow. "You're being way too blunt!!"

"Is there anything you can tell me, ma'am?" Rengoku asked the old lady but was blocked by her grand daughter. 

"W-what are you talking about!? Demons!? That's crazy! I don't believe in that!" she yelled, shaking. "Just leave us alone!"

"Careful now," the second person spoke. You could hear the smile in their tone. "If you keep shaking like that, you'll drop your delicious paste bun."

"I said leave us alone!" the girl hollered once more and launched her said paste-bun, hitting Rengoku square in the face. The old woman looked shocked, as did the Slayer accompanying and the crow, afraid he would snap. His partner knew better, though.

Instead of lashing out, the Flame Hashira simply took the bun from his face and took a big bite out of it. "TASTY!!" he acclaimed. "Would you like some?" he turned to his partner.

"No, thank you."

"That's enough, Fuku," her grandmother calmed her. "I have a feeling that these two young people aren't bad people."

Fuku calmed down. "I guess I'm just on edge because of all the reports of Slasher attacks," she said as a way of saying sorry.

"Good people like you," Rengoku spoke. "You wake up early in the morning and stay until late at night to sell your delicious Bento to us all. We must protect good people like you."

The girl was conflicted while her grandmother just smiled. "Should I.....Really trust them? Demons? What if they're not real? What if they're trying to trick us? What if....."

Those were the thoughts of the little girl. Except, it wasn't her saying them. They were being narrated with pin point accuracy by someone else. They were cut off though, by Rengoku.

"That's enough, you might make her uncomfortable, Tsu-chan."

They stepped into the light and Lo and Behold, dressed in a skirted Corp uniform with a purple hombre-pink lotus haori, luscious purple locks bouncing in a messy ponytail and a warding mask perched lazily on the side of her head, Emotion Hashira; Tsukishiro Tsubasa  made her appearance.

"She already feels like a lost flamingo," she spoke. "Maybe her thoughts being heard will do her some good." If anything, Tsubasa saw, the girl looked calm but felt even more scared than before!

Tsubasa had scared yet another person. She knew the girl couldn't help it but it still hurt. But she had no time to be hurt now, for just when she was about to react....

"A prideful lion...." she whispered to no one in particular.

The Flame Hashira glanced at her, urging her to continue. But before she did, she smiled her brightest smile at the girl and her grandmother. "We'll have all the Bento, please!!"

Fuku was dumbfounded. "Eh? Did you just say all the Bento!?"

"Why, yes! I think that's a wonderful idea!" Rengoku added. "Give us all of it please!!"

"Uh... O-of coarse." Fuku gave them every single one of the Bento she was selling and they paid her back with a very handsome amount. They overpaid but insisted she keep it all. And then, they were off.


"A prideful lion," Tsubasa spoke once more as they were alone now.

"What about it?" Rengoku asked, referring to the demon.

"It wants to harm," she said. "Not to devour, not kill. Just hurt people and instill fear for the sake of it." Tsubasa shuddered. "It's pride is making me dizzy."

"Well then! We just have to take care if it before it hurts anyone! Don't we, Tsu-chan!!?" Rengoku beamed.

"Right!" Tsubasa matched his energy. "That's why we're a tag-team, Kyo!"

"That's why we're a tag team!"

And so they went. Over to where the Mugen Train was rumored to have been seen and over to an enemy of a whole new level of power.


Hi hi!! <3

Welcome to the first chapter of the Mugen Train. I'm having so much fun writing this. And I can't wait for you all to find out the actual relationship between Tsubasa and Rengoku. Seeing as it hasn't been mentioned at all throughout the book it may seem strange that they act so close. But I promise it'll all be explained as the story goes on.

Anyway, hope you enjoy reading my stories as much as I enjoy writing them! Make sure to check out the other books in the Lotus Series as well:

Book 2: White Lotus
Book 3: Emerald Lotus
Book 4: Cerulean Lotus

I'm sure you'll love them just as much. Anyway, that's all for now. See you in the next chapters!!<3

Happy Day, Afternoon or Night and Happy Reading! <3


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