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"Please come in," the demon lady, Tamayo, called. Just after they all sat down, Tsubasa felt a calmness she'd never felt before in her life. A feeling of peace, a rush of pure bliss. She pinpointed its source almost immediately.

The girl lept from her seat and into Lady Tamayo's arms and teared up instatntly. Tanjiro was scolding Nezuko for acting carlessly as it happened and guickly had to turn his attention to Tsubasa when the boy, Yushiro, started yelling at her.

"How dare you treat Lady Tamayo with such disrespect! Get your hands off her!" "Tusbasa, you're being rude, let go." "But...." Tsubasa started to cry. "She feels amazing! Like every good thing put into one. It's so soft so good, so bright. Lady Tamayo is the purest person I've ever met."

Her words struck everyone as odd, including the demon lady. "But, I'm a demon," she tried to say. "I don't care, even demons can be good. You're a perfect example, look what you did for Yushiro. Please lady Tamayo, don't leave me! I've suffered too much with hungry wolf, the devil himself and agitated chihuahua!" Tsubasa wailed.

"I'm an angry wolf?" "Why am I the agitated chihuahua!?" Tanjiro and Yushiro protested. "And get your hands off Lady Tamayo!" "Yushiro. This child is tired and weak at the moment. At least show some respect. And I honestly don't mind her, so behave" Tamayo said, gently but firmly. "Yes, Lady Tamayo." Yushiro sat up straight.

"It's okay, Tsubasa was it? You can rest now." Tamayo smiled very faintly and Tsubasa almost instantly fell asleep. Once she did, Lady Tamayo begun to explain how she was a demon as well but she broke Kibutsuji's curse and now acted as a doctor. She also explained how Yushiro was once a sick child that she saved but in exchange for his humanity, he became a demon.

But halfway through the conversation, Tsubasa stirred awake and looked at the two demons with the tiniest glint pf hope in her bright magenta orbs. "Lady Tamayo, Yushiro." she started, sitting up straight. "Your Blood demon art. Both of you." she made a face as though she was looking for words.

"You can do amazing things. Lady Tamayo you can heal and do so much more. Yushiro your powers are quite amazing. I was just wondering....... wondering if..... if either of you...." he voice drastically dropped to a whisper. "If either of you could somehow.... speak.... to the dead?" she asked nervously. Afraid that she knew the answer already.

The question took the demons aback but they answered anyway. "I am unable to. Neither is Yushiro. I apologize that we weren't able to help. But..... why do want to speak to someone who's no longer on this earth Tsubasa?" Lady Tamayo asked. Tsubasa's face dropped, "Sabito," she mumbled but everyone still heard.

Just as she did, Tanjiro got confused. This wasn't the first time she said his name with such a sad tone. Tsubasa just smiled, "Nothing! It's fine, I was just asking so don't worry." She grew drowsy again and before anyone knew, she was asleep in Lady Tamayo's lap once more. And so the conversation continued.

Tanjiro asked if there was a way she could turn Nezuko back into a human and Tamayo said there was a way that was just yet to be found. In the process she asked two favors of Tanjiro 1: permission to study Nezuko's blood and 2: for him to collect blood samples from demon's who's power was in par with Kibutsuji.

Even after she explained that the second task wouldn't be easy, Tanjiro agreed anyway Anything for Nezuko. He thought. But just as they continued to discuss- and Yushiro hit Tanjiro three too many times- Tusbasa started to mumble in her sleep.

"So... here's where they are.... What fun it'll be.... to have... their heads...." "What is she saying?" Yushiro asked in a tone of disgust. "They aren't her words," Tanjiro explained, "They're the thoughts of someone else." "Susamaru.... try not to get.... dust on my..... kimono." the sleeping girl mumbled "Let's have some fun."

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