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"Emotion Breathing, Tenth form:

⁘•-------❤ Tranquil Mist!❤--------•⁘"

A sky blue mist flowed out of her blade as she flew through the sky, decapitating the demon with a little difficulty as possible. The head of the creature rolled at Tanjiro's feet as it disintegrated. "Where are you?" Tsubasa thought out loud. While in truth she knew the exact location of the demons, she wanted them to think they caught her by surprise so she could catch them by surprise.

And just as she planned, three demons came out of the brush and charged straight for the maroonette. His first instinct was to pull out his blade but he remembered what the Emotion Pillar told him. Instead, he put on a brave face and stood still. The creatures were coming at him with inhuman speed, even he wouldn't be able to keep up. But still he stood still. He had faith is his friend. And that faith prevailed because just as he was about to be struck....

"Water Breathing, First Form:

⁘•-------❤ Water Surface Slash!❤--------•⁘

Emotion Breathing, Third Form:

⁘•-------❤ Happy Dance!❤--------•⁘

Water Breathing, Fourth Form:

⁘•-------❤ Striking Tide!❤--------•⁘"

All three unfortunate heads looked up at their killer in disbelief. But.... How!? I was sure I had them by surprise. 

Its becasue of the other two that I failed. Idiots!

Eh... I knew I never had a chance anyway. This kid's scary, taking on seven demons by herself.

"Scary now, am I?" Tsubasa crouched down and looked at the lone head. She had on a bright smile as she stared into the demons eyes. "You're the second person to say that today, am I really?" She didn't wait for a reply as she stood and turned away. She smiled at the maroonette. At least..... it looked like she was smiling at him.

But he knew, she was looking directly behind him. And the smile she had on was familiar to him as well. By now the maroon haired boy had found out that Tsubasa actually had the ability to paralyze her opponents. Simply by looking into their eyes if she ever so wished it, and it was all concealed by a certain grin she had on whenever she did.

"Honestly, I don't think I'm scary," she said walking up to her opponent. "Do you?" Before the creature of night could reply, she whipped out her sword and a red mist followed it, "Emotion Breathing, Ninth Form:

⁘•-------❤ Fearful Flow!❤--------•⁘"

The demon looked at her, wide-eyed and paralyzed. It had never met the girl but he knew for a fact he didn't stand a chance against her. She truly was terrifying. Scary enough to even give a demon nightmares! Alas those were his last thoughts as he accepted defeat and disintegrated into black ash.

When he was sure there were no more demons left, Tanjiro walked toward the girl. "That was amazing Tsubasa!" he beamed. "I apologize for ever doubting you. You really do deserve the title of Hashira!" The boy gushed over the girl until he realized she was crying again. "Tsubasa? What's wrong? Are you hurt?" he grew worried.

She quickly turned to him and beamed. "Nothing! Nothing at all, let's head back shall we?" she asked, smiling. Tanjiro smelt a lie, but he felt it wasn't the right time to confront her on it. So he simply nodded and they headed back.

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