Chapter 2

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Adriana POV

After surgery, we checked on his other patients. We went to the nurse station to do some paperwork when suddenly we heard a loud "CODE BLUE! DR.AVERY!" It was a little boy maybe 7 years old with severe burns, he was not breathing and the nurses had started to resuscitate him. "Dr.DeLuca take over CPR while I prepare the medications and shock him afterwards if I have to."
I didn't react immediately because I was so shocked to see this little boy lying there.
"I know it's harder on children but if you don't do it, he's going to die" Jackson said in a stern but still kind tone.
I took over the resuscitation and the nurses took the crying parents out of the room while Jackson and I fought for their son's life.
After 41 minutes we finally had a heartbeat again.To me those 41 minutes felt like hours what must it have felt like to the boy's parents. I was still in shock when we left the room. This was my first resuscitation and then also with a child involved.Jackson noticed that I was starting to cry and led me into a material storage room. As he closed the door behind us and the tears started ran down my cheeks.I just couldn't stop it.
"I just broke that kid's ribs" I said to Jackson crying. He looked me in the eye and replied "Yes you did but you also saved his life.Thanks to you he will live on.You saved your first life DeLuca. It's okay to be emotional after a resuscitation especially if it had a child involving like this case." "I never thought that something like that would make me cry,but when the little boy was lying there and I heard the parents crying I immediately thought about my daughter and what would happen if something happened to her,how would I react...Actually I shouldn't cry about something like that,it wasnt my child and I shouldn't think about something like that."
Jackson came a little closer and wiped away my tears. "A moment ago, your adrenaline was so high that you were functioning in that moment and now that it's good again, the adrenaline goes back down, the feelings and thoughts you had during the resuscitation come out.This is nothing to be ashamed of.It's happened to all of us.It just means you're human and empathize with your patients and their families and that's what will make you a good doctor someday." I just nodded briefly "Thanks Jackson um I mean Dr.Avery" "You can call me Jackson when we are alone."
"Have you had moments like this in your career Jackson?" "Of course. After my first resuscitation, I locked myself in the bathroom and cried even worse than you just did. It was my second week and I had an 82 year old patient after a car accident. His wife was by his side the whole time and wouldn't leave.She had told me they had been married 60 years." "Wow 60 years is a long time." "Yes, I told her that 60 years is a very long time and she said she wanted many more years with him and just then he went into cardiac arrest. I started CPR and pressed the code blue alarm. We resuscitated for over 20 minutes and everyone wanted to give up because he was so old.
If I had listened to that attending, Lenard would have died and Rose would have lost her husband after 60 years of marriage.It was those 3 minutes more I resuscitated him that saved his life.He recovered well after that and to this day every year I get a thank you card from him and his wife on that day.A few weeks ago I even went to his 87th birthday." "That's really a nice happy ending" I said to Jackson and had to smile. "And just like that, your first resuscitation now has a happy ending too because that boy might get married one day just because of you" Jackson said and smiled brightly at me. We left the material store and checked on the last patients.

We were walking to the cafeteria when Jackson asked me "Do you want to have a few drinks tonight? Your first day wasn't exactly easy. The drinks would be on me of course. So only if you can or do you have to watch your daughter."
"I'd be up for a few drinks and my siblings can watch my daughter." "Good then after duty at the bar across the street?"
"Sure I'll look forward to it" I said and then walked over to Carina and Andrew. I sat down at the table with them. "I need you guys to do me a favor tonight and watch Lucia." "We can do that but what are your plans for tonight? A date?" Andrew asked me with a grin.
"No Andrea it's just a few drinks with some colleagues." "Are these colleagues maybe just Dr.Jackson Avery and you?" asked Carina excitedly. "No and even if they are, how do you know?"
"We just saw you talking to him and looking at his butt as he walked away" Andrew answered me.
"He really has a cute butt.If he was a woman he would totally be my type but don't say that to Maya" Carina said. Andrew immediately laughed "Oh God so you both like him." "No he's not a woman and I have a hot wife at home" said Carina slapping Andrew on the arm.
"I don't have a crush on him either. He's my attending and we just had a resuscitation on a kid.That's the only reason we're going out for drinks tonight and talk about the case" I said slightly bitchy. Andrew looked at me seriously and said "I'm your twin.You can't lie to me. No attending just goes out drinking with a resident on the first day and has conversations about patients."
I looked at Carina for help "Carina help me" "No Bambina I have to agree with Andrea and wasn't the name of the one night stand who got you pregnant Jackson?"
Andrew immediately looked at me shocked "Please tell me that Dr.Jackson Avery is not the father of my niece and Carina's mind is just going crazy."
I blushed slightly and looked at the floor "Carina is right.Jackson was my one night stand 3 years ago but it doesn't seem like he remembers me." "Congratulations.In this hospital it feels like there are only complicated relationships between doctors and you hit the jackpot of those relationships and suddenly make all the rest seem completely normal" Andrew said putting his head in his hands "I will never look at Dr.Avery with the same eyes again."
"Andrea don't make such a drama now. At least we finally know who Lucia's father is" Carina said to him.

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