Chapter 9

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Jackson POV

I couldn't swerve anymore and the other car hit the passenger side.
Our car rolled over several times and landed on the roof.
I heard Lucia crying but I couldn't move properly "Lucia my darling it's all right. Daddy is here. Are you in pain?"
Lucia just kept crying and didn't answer me. I looked over at Adriana. "Adriana,can you hear me?"
I shook her shoulder but she didn't respond. I felt for her pulse, it was palpable but weak and irregular. But she had a plus, which meant she was still alive.
I had to get out of here and help Adriana and Lucia.
My leg was pinned and I think I had broken my arm.

I heard sirens and saw the lights of the police, ambulance and fire department.
They got me and Lucia out of the car first because it was easier for them to get to us. Then they started to rescue Adriana from the wrecked car.

Lucia had a laceration on her head and was in shock but otherwise she didn't seem to have any injuries.
My arm was splinted and with my other arm I picked Lucia up and tried to calm her down.
The paramedics came with Adriana on a stretcher to the ambulance where I was standing with Lucia. They gave Adriana artificial respiration and took her into the ambulance.
Lucia and I were allowed to ride along because we were not hurt so badly that we brought our own ambulance.

When we arrived at the hospital Bailey, Meredith, Amelia, Maggie, Link,
Alex, Jo and Owen were standing and received the ambulance when I got out with Lucia they all looked at me in shock.

Alex immediately came to me and took Lucia from me and brought her together with Jo to a treatment room.

I looked at Bailey and started to cry. "You guys need to page Andrew and Carina. It's Adriana. It looks bad."
Meredith had them both paged immediately while the paramedics took Adriana to the shock room and we followed.
"Polytrauma after car accident in which car rolled over several times. Female, 28, pupils not responding to light, pulse at 46, blood pressure was 80/50. She was unconscious the entire time."
The paramedic relayed everything. Owen looked at me. "What's wrong with your arm Avery?" "I suspect broken but it doesn't matter you have to take care of Adriana and Lucia first."

They laid Adriana on the treatment couch and hooked up all the monitors.
"I need an ultrasound" Bailey yelled after palpating Adriana's abdomen.
"Amelia you need to give me room to intubate her" Owen said and Amelia quickly came to me and did a neurological check up.
"Jackson you are neurologically okay but you should get your arm treated. You can't do anything for her right now anyway."
I just nodded and quickly went with Link to X-ray and after that he quickly put a splint on me and we went back to the others who were still treating Adriana.
Owen was putting in a chest tube and Amelia was doing a neurological check up. "She needs to go for a CT scan right away. She has severe neurological deficits and without a CT I can't tell how severe the head injury is." said Amelia and they took Adriana to the CT room.

At that moment Maya, Andrew and Carina arrived at the hospital and when Carina saw Adriana she started crying. Maya immediately took her in her arms.
Andrew stood there shocked and slid down the wall and started crying too. "What happened?" asked Maya. "Another car hit the passenger side and we flipped over several times." I quickly wiped away my tears.

Bailey then came over to us. "Andrew,Carina I can understand how hard it must be for you right now but we are going to do everything we can to save her life. If we can't we need to know if she wants to be kept alive artificially?" Carina nodded briefly "She always said that if she didn't wake up after six weeks, we should turn off the machines."
"Does Adriana have any pre-existing conditions or allergies? Is she on any medications?" Andrew looked up at Bailey. "She doesn't have any allergies or pre-existing conditions. She's just on antidepressants."

Carina looked around. "Where's Lucia?"
"She's with Alex and Jo. She has a laceration that Alex has to stitch up and she's in shock. She's being monitored in the pediatric floor through the night to rule out a concussion." Bailey explained to us.
Carina looked at me and Andrew
"Are you two staying with Adriana? Then Maya and I will stay with Lucia." Andrew and I just nodded and Maya went with Carina to Lucia.

Andrew and I had to wait outside during CT and when the others were inside discussing.
Suddenly we just heard the "CODE BLUE IN CT 1" and a couple of nurses ran into the CT room with the crash cart.
Andrew and I immediately ran in with them.
Meredith and Bailey were doing chest compressions on her.
Amelia immediately called the O.R. to get everything ready.

Andrew and I both just stood there and cried as Bailey and Meredith revived Adriana.
As soon as they got a pulse back they took Adriana to the OR.

Andrew, Carina, Maya and I were told to stop by Bailey's office so she could fill us in on Adriana's injuries.
"Adriana is going into surgery now. She has several serious injuries and it was hard for us to decide which injury was the highest priority. Which is why we're going to operate virtually everywhere at once now because Adriana wouldn't make it otherwise. She has a chest trauma which has caused a tear in the heart wall, therefore she is unstable with the vitals. Maggie will suture this tear and connect her to the heart-lung machine so that she remains stable and Amelia can perform a craniotomy at the same time to treat the subdural hematoma. I will then also remove the ruptured spleen at that time with Hunt and Meredith to stop the internal bleeding. There is no guarantee she will survive these surgeries or what kind of condition she will wake up in when she does."

"Thank you Bailey we appreciate you doing everything in your power to save our sister. Alex had to stitch Lucia up with 6 stitches but she was very brave.The sedative finally put her to sleep." Carina told us with tears in her eyes.
Andrew looked at Bailey "What are her chances of survival?"
"Right now it looks very bad maybe 10%" Bailey told us.
This was all my fault I thought all the time.
Carina and Maya went back to Lucia while Andrew and I went with Bailey to the OR but had to wait outside.

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