Chapter 12

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Jackson POV

                      4 Month later

It had been four months since Adriana and Lucia were deported.
We had tried to keep in touch but because of the time difference, the work and that she was alone with Lucia it was difficult.
In the beginning we talked on the phone a few times but at some point we were only messaging each other and even that became less and less.

But I don't give up and I will try to get them back to Seattle as soon as possible.
Unfortunately I didn't find a perfect solution to solve this problem quick so I took a week off to fly to Italy and surprise them.
Carina had given me the address.

At work they were happy that I left, since Adriana was gone, I had become insufferable - I knew that myself.
I had only bad mood and was quickly irritated.

I packed my bags and then went to the airport.
With the private jet it went then to Italy.
I drove first to the hotel and then to the address Carina gave me.
When I rang the doorbell a good looking guy opened the door for me.
"Hi I'm Jackson Avery,isn't this Adriana DeLuca's apartment?" I asked confused. The man looked at me and replied "Yes it is Adriana's apartment. She's out right now though."
"Can I maybe come in and wait for her?" He nodded and let me in.
"I'm Massimo. Do you want something to drink?"
" thanks I don't need anything.So you are Adriana's husband."
"I prefer the word ex-husband. We divorced last month."
"But then what are you doing in her apartment when you got divorced?"
"We are still good friends and I take care of Lucia."

At that moment Lucia came running "Daddy!" her eyes were shining and I immediately took her in my arms and hugged her tightly.
I had missed her so much and she had grown so much in these four months. "Hello my sunshine, how are you?" "Good. Massimo and I visit my brother."
I looked briefly at Massimo and then at Lucia "Your brother?" I asked her.
"Yes Matteo" "And where was Mommy during that time?" "At her boyfriend's" Lucia smiled at me. I forced myself to smile too although inside I was seething with jealousy when I heard the word boyfriend.

I sat down on the floor with Lucia and we then played while waiting for Adriana.
We hear a key turn in the lock.
The door opened and Adriana came in.
Lucia immediately ran to her "Mommy, Daddy is here."
I stood up and saw Adriana for the first time in months,she looked at me quite surprised. "Surprise," was all I said.
Massimo went to her and kissed her on the cheek. "I'm going now, I'll see you in a few days. If something comes up, let me know." Adriana nodded "Thanks Massimo, I'll be in touch."
Massimo waved to Lucia "See you soon princess." 
Lucia smiled and waved back "Bye Bye Massimo."
Massimo then left and Adriana came a little closer to me.
I couldn't really tell if she was happy to see me or pissed that I was just standing in her apartment unannounced.
"How was it with your boyfriend?" I asked her jealously.
"With my boyfriend? Who told you that?" "Lucia told me where you were." I answered her. "I was with Tony,he's been a good friend since I was a kid but just a regular friend and not a boyfriend. But for now first tell me something else, what are you doing here Jackson?"
"I wanted to surprise you both. I missed you and Lucia so much. I didn't want our contact to break completely so I flew here to visit you and take you back to Seattle. Aren't you happy to see me?"
I asked her, looking into her beautiful brown eyes.
"Of course I'm happy to see you but how are you going to do that? We've been deported."
I got down on my knees and took out an engagement ring from my jacket pocket. "Marry me Adriana. I really fell in love with you and without you I feel empty and I'm just in a bad mood. In the short time we've known each other you've already made me a better person,a better man and I will give my best to be the man you deserve.
I want Lucia and you with me forever. And if we get married, you can stay in the US forever. So even if it was only for you for the papers, for me it would be out of love and the papers would just be the bonus. I really love you Adriana. I never had these feelings for someone else before I met you.So what do you say Adriana, will you be my wife?"

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