Chapter 5

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Jackson POV

After Bailey suspended us, I went home and calmed down as Alex had advised me to do. I regretted what I had said and that everyone had heard it.

I had to make it up to her, so I headed to Adriana's house.
Warren had given me the address.
Before I went I picked up some chocolates and a big bouquet of flowers.

When I rang the doorbell as soon as Travis opened the door he wanted to close it right away.
"Travis please let me see Adriana." "Why? So you can make it worse than you already did. I think she should have kicked you in the balls for what you said."
"No, I want to apologize to Adriana. I regret what I said."
Travis let me in. "I think the only way you can make it up to her is to bring her your head on a stick instead of some flowers.But you can try your luck with flowers."
"I brought some chocolates too."
Travis took the chocolates from me and took one for himself. "These are for Adriana."
"I know but I need to check that they aren't poisoned."
Travis walked me to Adriana's bedroom and knocked "Adriana your idiot naked man enemy is here."
"Tell him to go to hell!" Adriana just yelled.
Travis opened the door "Then give him the directions to hell because I don't have them."
Adriana was lying on the bed with Vic and tissues everywhere.
Vic got up and put the tissues away.
I came into the room and gave Adriana the flowers. "I'm sorry Adriana. I shouldn't have called you that and I shouldn't have brought up that subject in front of everyone in the cafeteria."

Travis and Vic were still standing in the room eating the chocolates.
Adriana looked to the two. "Can you guys please leave me and Jackson alone."
Vic just nodded and was about to leave when she saw Travis wasn't moving she pulled him by his shirt behind her which made him start to grumble "Let go of my shirt you're going to break it and how am I supposed to see from the living room if she kicks him in the balls."
I closet the bedroom door after Travis and Vic were in the living room.

"You don't think I'm going to forgive you just because you brought flowers and said you were sorry.You called me a slut and hurt my feelings with that Jackson."
"I brought chocolates too but Travis ate them. But that's not the point right now. I know a few flowers won't make up for it but I hope it's a start" I said and sat down on the bed with her.
"It's a start, but it's a very small one."
"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings Adriana please believe me, I was just mad anyway because you left after that night and that night meant something to me even if it didn't mean anything to you. Then Andrew suddenly told me that I was the father of your child and I was just shocked." I tried to excuse my behavior a little.
"You can't use that to justify your behavior." Adriana said, still angry with me. Slowly I was getting angry with her again.

I wasn't the only one who misbehaved.

"I know I messed up, but I'm not the only one who made mistakes. Why did your brother tell me and not you? Besides you're not as innocent here as you act!"
I said a little louder.
"Fuck off and leave my house Jackson, now!" yelled Adriana at me pointing to the door.
"No we're going to sort this out now because you can't leave here!So why didn't you tell me last night?" I yelled back at Adriana.
"Because I was afraid. How should I have told you, in your opinion? And then after you said you didn't want kids, I didn't want to tell you either!"
"So you preferred to keep me in the dark and take away our daughter's chance to get to know her father!"
"She's my daughter and you're just her producer. Earlier you even said I was lying and you wouldn't believe me. According to you I'm a slut who's slept with over 10 other guys in that time!" "Now don't use what I said against me! I want a paternity test and if I'm really her father then I want contact with her."

"Jackson you are not in a position to first call me a slut and then make demands!" said Adriana angrily and stood up.
I stood up too.
"I am entitled to a paternity test. And if you don't agree I will have it taken to court" I said angrily.
"You would really go to court?" asked Adriana, stunned.
"Yes because not only I but also your daughter has the right to know if I am her father."
"So now you want to make me out to be the bad guy?!"
"If you don't agree to the paternity test then you are the bad guy."

We were silent for a moment and I looked into her eyes even though we were fighting I wanted nothing more than to feel her lips on mine.
I came closer and put my lips on hers. Adriana returned the kiss and I pushed her onto the bed. I took off my shirt and lay on top of her. We were making out when the door opened.
Vic and Travis came into the bedroom "Seriously? We thought you guys were going to kill each other because it got so quiet!" Vic said. "I thought he was going to be on the floor in pain" Travis said slightly disappointed. He really didn't like me.
"Come on Travis we'll go for a walk and leave them alone" Vic said and walked out of the room. Travis followed her and closed the door behind him "Yeah I don't want to hear their sex noises."
After they left Adriana and I continued to make out.

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