Chapter 8

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Adriana POV

I got up in the morning and went to the kitchen where Travis was standing making coffee.

"Good morning Trav" "Good morning Addi where is your hot doctor lover?"
"Jackson is in the shower right now."
Travis handed me a cup of coffee.
"Good then we can talk about how this idea of him living here is one of the dumbest ideas you've had in a while."
I took a sip of my coffee and looked at Travis.
"It's not that stupid of an idea."
"Of course it's a stupid idea. What if he learns about Massimo like this? You can't keep this secret from him forever." "Of course I can Travis." "Not if he lives here or it gets really serious with you guys."

"He won't find out Travis. I have almost no pictures or things here that point to Massimo. And I can't think of any reason why I would ever have to tell him about it. This is my old life and I am trying with all my might to leave this life behind. I am finally happy again after everything that has happened. I'm back with my siblings, I have the greatest friends and Lucia is the best thing that could have happened to me and on top of that I have a hot doctor as a lover."

"I want you to be happy too but I'm afraid he'll find out your secret. And of course we have things here that point to Massimo. He's in a lot of pictures with you, Andrew and Carina that are still from Italy" Travis said and pointed to one of the pictures on the wall.
"Yeah but none of these pictures are wedding pictures or pictures of us kissing. So if Jackson asks about it I'll just say it's an old friend from Italy."
"And what if he sees the pictures of Matteo? Are you going to tell him it's Lucia then?"
"I hid the pictures of Matteo in my nightstand so he shouldn't find them."
Travis and I both drank our coffee. Travis looked at me slightly worried because I had tears in my eyes when I said Matteo's name.

"Do you miss your old life in Italy?"
"Of course I miss it in a way. But after Matteo's death everything was different. I loved Massimo but we couldn't survive what happened.
I had to leave and if I hadn't we would never have met and Lucia wouldn't exist. I wouldn't give her up for anything in the world. Of course I would love to have Matteo here too and sometimes I imagine how he would be as a big brother for Lucia but fate had other plans." I quickly wiped away my tears.
Travis took me in his arms.

"But I have to say you have good taste in men. Massimo was really hot but Jackson is hot too."
"Of course Massimo is hot" I said as Jackson suddenly walked into the kitchen with only a towel around his waist.
"Who's Massimo?" asked Jackson looking at me and Travis.
"Massimo is Travis' new boyfriend and he asked me if he was hot."
"So you're into Italians too?" Jackson asked Travis.
"Yes Italians are hot and I'm just into guys that have names like they are from the mafia and kill people like they work for the mafia."
"Oh yes Italians are very hot" Jackson said and kissed me. I returned the kiss.

"But how do you come up with mafia and mafia murders?" Jackson asked and Travis was slightly starting to panicking which is why I tried to save Travis but also myself after all Jackson couldn't know the truth.

"Massimo is a cop and yesterday he told Travis that he had to shoot someone in the line of duty. And Travis likes to imagine that Massimo is working for the mafia. He just gets a kick out of it."
Jackson looked at us a little suspicious and didn't really seem to believe us.

"You know Travis and his crazy imagination. After all, he did pretend to be Trina, the medical student" I said.
Jackson just nodded and had to laugh "True he really is a little crazy."
Travis looked at us indignantly "Hey I'm not that crazy."
Jackson grinned at him "Of course you're not crazy Trina" Jackson said sarcastic and then went into the bedroom to get dressed.

I looked at Travis "Sorry but he can't know the truth."
Travis just rolled his eyes in annoyance. "That's exactly what I meant he could find out the truth." "But he hasn't and he never will." I just said and then went into Lucias room to wake her up.

Jackson came over to me and Lucia. "My mom just texted that we should come over for dinner tonight after work with Lucia.She wants to meet her granddaughter and she wants to meet you too." I just nodded and got Lucia ready. Jackson watched us and I explained a few things to him so that he would soon be able to get Lucia ready as well.

After that we headed off to work and I took Lucia to the daycare.
Today I was assigned to Dr. Lincoln in orthopedics.

After work, we got ready and headed to Jackson's parents' house. I was pretty nervous about this dinner but when we arrived Dr.Fox and Dr.Webber welcomed us with open arms.
Privately I should call them by their first names they told me. I had to get used to calling them by their first names after all they are both surgical legends and I am just a intern.
The evening was quite nice.
Catherine even had a gift for Lucia, it was a child sized doctor's coat with her name on it and a toy doctor's case which Lucia was totally happy about and acted the whole evening as if she was a doctor and we all had to be her patients.

When it got late and Lucia started to whine because she was tired, we said goodbye to Jackson's parents and went to the car.
I put Lucia in her car seat and buckled her in. I got in on the passenger side. Jackson drove off. "The evening was really nice" I said to him.
"It really was. Adriana I want to ask you something." "Yeah sure ask whatever you want." I looked at him and put my hand on his leg.
"Are you going to move in with me with Lucia? I want us to be a real family. With all the things that comes with being a family.That we are more than just friends with certain benefits. I want the whole package with house, garden,a dog and eventually marriage and more children. That we are there for each other in good and bad times. This should not be a marriage proposal for that we do not know each other long enough but I want to go the way that leads us to the marriage proposal sooner or later."

I was slightly shocked that Jackson suddenly came up with something like that and took my hand off his leg.
"I can't do that Jackson I can't move in with Lucia and even more so I can't marry you, not now and not in a few years." Jackson looked to me. "Why not?" "I just can't Jackson and you have to accept that."
"I'll accept it if you give me a proper reason why. Don't you want Lucia to have a real family?" Jackson asked me sourly.
"She has a real family with me,Carina,Andrea,Travis,Vic and now also with you but that doesn't mean we have to move in with you or that I have to marry you." I said slightly annoyed because Jackson wouldn't stop with this topic.
"You know how I feel about real family Adriana. I want her with me all the time and later not just on weekends and I want her to have siblings and pets someday. It can be a cat for all I care if you don't want a dog." "This isn't about the damn pets Jackson and now focus on the road."
"I can drive a car and discuss this with you at the same time..." Jackson said angrily as suddenly headlights blinded us and Jackson couldn't avoid the other car.

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