Chapter 7

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Jackson POV

In the morning Adriana and I went to Bailey's office.
Bailey looked at both of us. "I hope you both calmed down after yesterday. I don't know what your personal problems are with each other and I don't care as long as it doesn't affect work." We both just nodded. "I'm sorry Chief Bailey this will never happen again" Adriana promised her.
"It better not Dr. DeLuca, because if it happens again you'll be fired and have to find a new hospital to train you." Adriana just nodded and looked at the floor.
Bailey looked at me. "Now we're getting to you Dr. Avery, I don't care that you own this hospital. If something like this happens again you lose your job in plastic surgery and are only allowed to treat abscesses and abdominal pain in the ER. Do you understand that?" "Yes I understand that and it will never happen again." I said to Bailey and then we were both allowed to leave her office.

"You own the hospital?" asked Adriana, astonished. "Yes the hospital belongs to my grandfather Harper Avery's foundation. My mother took over the foundation and gave me the hospital"
I answered her question.

"Why didn't you tell me this before?"
"I didn't want you to sleep with me just because of that."
"I would never have slept with you just because of that. I sleep with you because of one thing and that's are..."
"Adriana not now" I wanted to interrupt her because my mom and Webber suddenly stood behind her but Adriana wouldn't stop and kept talking.
"No Jackson now don't interrupt me. I only want one thing from you and that's are a lot of orgasms. I don't want extra treatment or more surgeries. I just want orgasms from you."
My mother and Dr. Webber cleared their throats.
Adriana turned to the two of them and probably wanted to sink thought the floor in shame right then and there. "Adriana let me introduce you to my mother Dr.Catherine Fox and you already know Dr. Webber. He is my stepfather." I introduced Adriana to my mother. "Mom this is Adriana DeLuca a new intern."
Adriana just looked at me and said "Next time your Mom and Dr.Webber stand behind me then don't make me talk anymore." "I tried."

Adriana shook my mother's hand "It's a pleasure to meet you Dr.Fox , you have a really great son who is a good teacher."
"According to you he seems to not only be a good teacher but also a good lover too if all you want from him is orgasms. It seems like after the slap you gave him yesterday he must have calmed you down with an orgasm then."

Adriana blushed when my mother said that and now even I would have loved to sink thought the floor in shame.
"Mom. Please stop."
"Why Jackson? Richard and I overheard the drama yesterday about what was going on between you two. So you got her pregnant? I have a right to know if I'm a grandmother."
"We don't even know if I'm the father and we're about to have a paternity test done. As soon as I get the results I'll get back to you and tell you if you're a grandmother." I promised her and took Adriana's hand, who just stood there rooted to the spot in shame and said nothing more and pulled her away so that we could get out of this embarrassing situation.

When we were in the elevator we both had to laugh about this situation.

Adriana took Lucia out of the hospital's daycare and we went to Carina who was doing the paternity test.
Carina told us to wait in the waiting room for half an hour and then she would come to us with the results.

So we sat down in the waiting room and Lucia sat on the floor and played.
I looked at Adriana. "How could this actually happen? I'm sure we used a condom."
"Jackson those things can break and don't say a word like that in front of the little one."
"She didn't listen to us and if she did, she doesn't understand it. And condoms don't break." "Of course they break. The living proof is sitting in front of you playing right now."
"Maybe you're right and it did break or maybe I'm really not the father."

Then there was silence between us for a moment.
Adriana broke the silence after a few minutes. "Are you writing with a medical student named Trina?"
I looked at her in surprise.
How did she know that?

"Yeah how do you know that? Do you know her?"
"Yeah I know him. Trina is Travis my best friend and I have to apologize for his behavior. I don't know what possessed him to do that myself."
I had to laugh and made a plan with Adriana how we would get a little revenge on Travis.

Carina joined us after 30 minutes. "Congratulations Jackson and welcome to the family.You are 99.99% the father of Lucia." She handed me the papers and there it really stand in black and white.
I was Lucia's father.

Adriana and I had taken the day off because of the paternity test.
We drove to her home.
In the car we had already discussed how to continue for now and got a few things from my place.
But we still wanted to discuss in more detail how it goes on now and also in the long run.

Adriana unlocked the door and we went inside.
Lucia ran to Travis who was standing in the kitchen."What's a condom?" she asked Travis, who turned to me and Adriana in shock.
We both just looked shocked too and Adriana smacked me on the back of the head. "I told you not to say those words in front of her."
"I didn't know she was smart enough to remember that word or that she was even listening to us."
Travis looked at me. "So you, hot doctor lover are the bad influence she heard something like that from? Everyone knows kids will repeat and copy you on anything."
"Okay I'm sorry and I learned my first lesson as a father. I have to watch what I say."
"Yeah, you really do from now on." Adriana said, showing Travis the results of the paternity test.
"So he's part of the family from now on?" asked Travis to Adriana.
"Yes he is a part of this family now and so he will also get to know Lucia better first he will live here for a few weeks."
Travis looked at both of us.
"Does he really have to live here?"
"Yes Travis. It's the best thing for Lucia and him because it's the best way that they get to know eachother."

I walked up to Travis and whispered in his ear. "Now don't be so disappointed Trina. I can finally see you in your underwear. Unfortunately you are not my type because you are a man but who knows if you were a woman it could have really worked out with us, Trina or should I say Travis." I kissed him on the cheek and playfully slapped his ass.
Travis just stood there and couldn't believe what just happened. He just looked at me shocked.
Adriana and I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

We left the shocked Travis standing there and walked out of the kitchen. Adriana put Lucia down for a nap while I unpacked my stuff in her bedroom.

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