Chapter 13

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Adriana POV

I looked at Jackson kneeling in front of me with the engagement ring in his hand and didn't know what to say.

"Jackson please stand up..."
"You have to say yes or no first."
"I can't say yes right now Jackson..."
"So it's a was a stupid idea how could I even think you would want to marry me..." said Jackson disappointed and a bit sad at the same time as he stood up and put the ring on the kitchen counter.

"I didn't say no Jackson but I didn't say yes either. I need to think about it and we need to talk about if it's really the right thing to do. We haven't seen each other in 4 months and then all of a sudden you're standing in my kitchen asking me to marry you. Put yourself in my shoes."
"If I were in your shoes, I would have said yes right away just to be able to go back to the U.S. to your family and that our daughter have both parents around her the whole time."
"We are really different then because I can't say yes right away without thinking about it" I said slightly frustrated that Jackson didn't understand me.

"Are you even happy to see me?" Jackson asked me.
"Of course I'm happy to see you Jackson, you wouldn't believe how much I missed you but that doesn't mean I have to say yes to a marriage proposal right away"
I answered him slowly a little pissed off because he accused me of not missing him and he doesn't know how hard these four months have been for me.

"I don't feel like discussing this with you right now Jackson. I have to put Lucia to bed. How about you get us something to eat and then we can talk about it calmly over dinner. There's a good restaurant around the corner where you can get takeout." Jackson just nodded and said goodbye to Lucia and went to get us something to eat.

I put Lucia to bed during that time and thought about this whole marriage proposal thing that just happen in my kitchen.

When Lucia was asleep I went into the kitchen and set the table.
I looked to the engagement ring that was on the counter as I took it and put it on. The ring was really beautiful and just perfect.

Jackson came back with the food.
We ate but there was such an awkward silence between us the whole time.

I realized that Jackson was angry but also hurt because I didn't accept the proposal right away and that's why he was so quiet.

I got up after eating and cleared my plate a little louder. "What pisses you off so much Jackson? That I didn't say yes right away and marry you right here on the spot?" I asked him angrily and got a bit louder.
Jackson looked at me shocked because he hadn't expected that. "That pisses me off but you know what pisses me off even more? That I probably don't mean anything to you. You're happy here, playing house and happy family with your ex-husband and our daughter! You haven't made any effort to keep in touch with me. The last couple of weeks I've been finding out how you are through your siblings because you haven't been answering my messages!" Jackson yelled at me angrily.

"Oh no, you don't get to act innocent and make me out to be the bad guy always! If you hadn't caused that car accident I would never have come to the attention of immigration and Lucia and I would never have been deported. You don't know how bad these months here in Italy have been for me again!" I shouted back angrily and started throwing the grated cheese that was still on the table angrily at him.

"How should I know if you almost never answer my messages?"
"I almost never checked in because it broke my heart to be back here and not be with you!" I continued to yell angrily with tears in my eyes and continued to throw the cheese at him.
Jackson threw the cheese back. "What are you doing? Why are you throwing cheese at me!"
"I don't know!" I yelled and Jackson came up to me and held my wrists.

He saw that I was wearing the engagement ring. "You are wearing the engagement ring?"
"Yes Jackson because I want to be your wife."

Jackson kissed me and I returned the kiss. "Why didn't you say that when I came home with the food?"
"I was going to but then you were so pissed at me and it turned into a fight like it often does."
"Fighting is kinda our things." Jackson said and I just nodded.
"But you know what's good about our fights,arguments and discussions?" 
He asked me. "What?" I asked him back.

"That we have to make it up to each other." Jackson said as he picked me up and kissed me passionately and sat me down on the kitchen counter. I wrapped my legs around his waist and we made out.

He broke away from me after a few minutes and looked me in the eye "You look beautiful with the engagement ring and cheese in your hair." Jackson said laughing and got some of the cheese out of my hair.
"I'm not the only one with cheese in my hair and I don't just have the cheese in my hair either." I laughed and got the cheese out of his hair too.
"Where else do you have the cheese?" "You somehow managed to throw cheese in my bra."
Jackson laughed out loud when I told him that.
"Then maybe I should check it out."
He grinned at me and pulled my top off.
I kissed Jackson's neck and gave him a few hickeys.

He picked me up and carried me into the bathroom. "We should probably take a shower to get rid of the cheese." Jackson said as he undressed me completely and then we took a shower together. Although we didn't just shower together. It was so great to have him with me again and feel him all over.

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