Chapter 4

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Jackson POV

I woke up the next morning and turned to the side to wake Adriana when I realized that she was no longer there. I got up and got dressed. "Adriana?" I looked all over the apartment but she was just gone.
I had a quick cup of coffee and then headed off to work.
When I went to the OR schedule, Adriana was standing there in front. "Hey where were you this morning?" I asked her a little pissed off.
She turned to me. "Good morning to you too. I woke up and realized that this night was a mistake. Then I just wanted to hurry home to freshen up and see my daughter. I'm sorry I didn't leave you a note or anything."
"I didn't feel that night was a mistake and when you sat on me naked it didn't seem like you didn't want it or saw it as a mistake. You enjoyed it as much as I did which is why we did it 4 times that night.So then in the moring you wake up and just take off?" I was really pissed that she just took off without saying anything and now came up with that this night was a mistake.
"I only slept with you because I was drunk Jackson and now don't make a drama out of it just because I left and regret it" Adriana said pissed and a bit louder which is why suddenly the nurses looked at us surprised. Maggie and Richard also came out of a room because they had heard us.
Adriana then left quickly before anyone could say anything.

I looked at the operation plan and then got ready for my operation.
Today I operated together with Andrew and at the beginning it was quite silent in the OR.

"Now that you know, I hope we can still be professional at work, even though we're practically family now." Andrew suddenly said and I was pretty confused about it. "What are you talking about?" "Adriana told you that you are the father of her daughter. 3 Years ago during your one night stand she got pregnant. But since she didn't have your number and didn't know anything except your first name she couldn't get in touch with you to tell you."
My scalpel almost fell out of my hand when I heard what Andrew was saying and everyone in the OR stared at me. "I'm supposed to be what?" I asked Andrew in shock. "You're the father of Adriana's daughter. I thought she told you that after all because you two spent the whole evening and night together." "No she didn't tell me that in the evening and we didn't really get to talk in the night..." I said quietly and tried to focus on the operation again and ignore all those stares. Andrew was probably embarrassed that he had told me because he kept silent for the rest of the operation.
After the operation I went outside to get some fresh air.

Did I really had a one night stand with Adriana 3 years ago?

I thought all the time that she was somehow familiar to me but now that Andrew had said it, it came back to me.
I was at Warren's birthday party and there were a few from Station 19 and since Adriana told me yesterday that Travis and Vic were her best friends so she would knew Warren through them. That night everyone was drinking a lot and Adriana and I just did a quick number in the back room of the location but she must have gotten pregnant at that point.

After a few minutes, I went back inside. I had to find Adriana and talk to her about it right away.
I searched all over the hospital and found her in the cafeteria.
She was sitting at a table with Carina,Amelia,Meredith,Jo,Alex and Owen.

"Dr.DeLuca we need to talk in private for a minute" I said.
She just looked at me for a second and replied "I don't have time right now and I'm not assigned to you today either Dr.Avery."
"Adriana I'm serious, it's important."
"If it's not about work it's not important and today I'm working with Dr.Shephard in neurosurgery."
"So it's not important that your brother just told me I got you pregnant and I'm the father of your daughter?! Why would he tell me something like that and not you?" I asked her and was starting to get really mad at her. She just looked at me shocked because my voice got a little louder.

"Are you out of your mind Jackson? To bring up something like that in front of everyone." Adriana looked at me angrily and stood up.
"You didn't want to talk to me in private and I want to know the truth why is your brother telling such bullshit?"
I asked her angrily and I just didn't care that all eyes were on us.
"It's not bullshit what Andrea said it's the truth" said Adriana looking me in the eyes.

"I want a paternity test because before that I don't believe a word you say. You must have fucked 10 other guys or more at that time after all you also slept with me right away just like last night when you were drunk." I said angrily and immediately regretted my words.
"So you're calling me a slut?!" Adriana yelled at me with tears in her eyes and slapped me.
Carina and Jo immediately stood up and pulled Adriana away from me while Alex and Owen stood in front of me. "Jackson go and calm down." said Alex to me while Carina,Jo,Amelia and Meredith tried to calm Adriana down.

Bailey was sitting at another table with Richard and my mom and they had all caught on as well.
Bailey came over to us. "Dr.Avery and Baby Dr.DeLuca you are both suspended for the day and come to my office first thing in the morning."

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