Chapter 6

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Adriana POV

After Vic and Travis went for a walk, our clothes ended up on the floor pretty quickly.
I enjoyed every touch of Jackson and at that moment I was able to forget about all the fighting we had today.
It just felt right to have him so close to me.

Suddenly the door opened and Andrew came in with Lucia.
Jackson was lying on top of me but immediately stopped moving when the door opened.
"Adriana I am so sorry I messed up. I thought you would have told Jackson and talked to him. Then when I heard what happened in the cafeteria I felt terrible." When Andrew stopped talking and saw us, he immediately covered Lucia's eyes. "Oh God what are you guys doing? I thought you guys stopped talking to each other and hated each other."
"It's called sex DeLuca,can you leave so we can finish it" Jackson said to him.
"Andrea does it look to you like Jackson and I are talking right now.Go into the backyard with Lucia and we will be right there."
Andrew quickly went into the backyard with Lucia.

"Where were we?" asked Jackson and in response I gave him a kiss.
After we finished,we got dressed so we could join Andrew and Lucia in the backyard.
Jackson saw Lucia for the first time and smiled slightly.
Tomorrow we would do a paternity test so that Jackson had the certainty that he really is the father.
"What are you guys now, anyway? A couple or just friends with benefits who have a toddler together?" Andrew asked us.
I looked at Jackson because I didn't really have an answer myself.
"That's hard to answer but for now we are friends with benefits and who knows how it will turn out" Jackson answered and put his arm around my shoulder.
Lucia was on Andrew's arm looking at me and Jackson. "Mommy and friend" said Lucia. "Yeah right I'm a friend of your Mommy" Jackson smiled at her and then looked at me. "I don't know if I can really be a Dad. I've never taken care of a kid or had one in my arms. I have no idea how to handle kids or what they need." "You're not a Dad" Lucia said shaking her head which made us all laugh a little.
I took Lucia from Andrew. "Jackson,if you really want to be a Dad after tomorrow's outcome then you can be. You'll learn all that. Do you think I knew how to take care of a baby right away. I also had to grow into this responsibility."
Jackson looked at me "Let's wait and see what tomorrow brings and then we'll see if I'm ready for it. See you tomorrow" he said and then went home.

In the evening I put Lucia to bed and thought about Jackson the whole time.
After Lucia fell asleep I went to the others. Maya was sitting in the armchair and Carina was sitting on her lap. Travis, Vic and Andrew had spread themselves out on the sofa.
I sat down and between Andrew and Travis. "Man am I glad this day is over" I thought out loud.

"How did you manage to get suspended anyway?" asked Maya, playing with Carina's hair.
"She slapped the attending she spent the night with in front of everyone because he called her a slut.That was after Andrew told him in the OR that he was Lucia's Dad because he was the One Night Stand Jackson from 3 years ago. Afterwards she got suspended and he came over with some yummy chocolates and some flowers and then she got laid again but honestly he is really hot. So I would have screwed him aswell if I had the chance to." Answered Travis for me and Maya looked at me just slightly shocked.
"So One Night Stand Jackson is your boss now?" "Yeah he's kind of my boss now and can we stop calling him One Night Stand Jackson and thanks Travis but next time I can answer for myself."

"What should we call him then?" asked Vic "How about Jackson after all that's his name" I just reply "No that's boring how about hot doctor lover?" said Travis.
"That's the perfect name for him" Vic immediately agreed.
"I don't really know if that fits him" said Andrew.
"Why wouldn't it fit? He's hot,he's a doctor and he's Adriana's lover. So that's his new name from now on" said Travis and he was right all this was true about Jackson.
"Is he really that hot?" Maya asked us. "Yeah" said Carina,Vic,Travis and me at the same time. Maya looked at Carina "Do I need to get jealous?" "No my love, for me there is only you" replied Carina and kissed Maya intensely. "Ehy get a room I already caught one of my sisters having sex today and I don't need to see the other one doing it now" Andrew said slightly annoyed and covered his eyes. Carina just laughed and ended the kiss and said to Andrew "Don't be like that Andrea." "No one told you to come into my room without knocking either and the same goes for both of you.Next time you knock." I said a bit seriously while pointing at Vic and Travis.

Carina, Maya and Andrew went to their rooms while Vic, Travis and I watched some TV.
Travis's phone rang briefly and he picked it up and took a quick look.
His mouth stayed open. "Are you okay?" I asked Travis and Vic also looked at him slightly worried.
"Did you know that your hot doctor lover has a boat?" asked me Travis.
"No and why do you know that?" I asked him back.
"Because he just posted it on Instagram" Travis said, showing me Jackson's Instagram post.

 "Because he just posted it on Instagram" Travis said, showing me Jackson's Instagram post

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"You are stalking him on Instagram?" I asked Travis.
"He actually follows him and has the notifications on. When we were out walking earlier Travis created a fake Instagram account and liked all of Jackson's posts and even texted him.
He has mutated into a stalker" Vic replied.
I looked at Travis stunned "So you are stalking my hot doctor lover on Instagram.Why would you do that?"
"I just want to know if he's serious about you or if he's a fuck boy. So I turned into Trina a hot med student and messaged him.We've been texting a bit now and I asked him if maybe he wanted to see some pics of me in my underwear but he hasn't responded to that yet."
I couldn't believe that Travis really went that far but somehow it was also sweet that he just didn't want Jackson to hurt me.
"What are you going to do if he texts you yes? You're not a woman so he'd know Trina doesn't exist if you sent him pictures of you in boxers."
Vic had to laugh "Travis didn't think that far ahead."
Travis scratched the back of his neck sheepishly and looked at both of us "Actually I was thinking that far. If he writes yes I need a picture of you in your underwear Vic."
Vic threw a cushion in his face. "You can forget that.Ask Maya or Carina but they won't do that either."
Travis looked at Vic "Please it's important and I think he might fall in love with Trina then and Trina falls in love with him."
"First of all Trina doesn't exist Travis. Secondly what if he wants to date Trina and thirdly he should fall in love with Adriana" Vic said slightly annoyed by Travis crazy idea.
"He's not supposed to fall in love with anyone" I said looking at the two of them "Not Trina and not me."
"So he's supposed to die an unhappy single guy?" both Travis and Vic asked me at the same time.
"No he shouldn't. I don't know what I want right now.I should go to sleep" I said and got up.

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