Chapter 14

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Jackson POV

After showering, we got dressed again and went into the living room.
I could not believe that she had now really said yes.
I would soon be able to call this beautiful woman and mother of my beautiful daughter,my wife.

We sat down on the sofa. I put my arm around her and she snuggled up to me.
I looked at her "Adriana, I want when we get married that there are no more secrets between us. No secret husbands or anything else so I wanted to ask you something. Lucia said earlier that she had a brother named Matteo...What did she mean by that?"

Adriana gulped when I said Matteo but then she looked at me and had tears in her eyes.
"You deserve to know the truth even if it's hard for me to talk about it. Lucia really has a big brother. Matteo was the son of me and Massimo. I had him four and a half years ago at 23. He was born a little early..."

I realized how hard it was for Adriana to talk about it, but I still wanted to know everything about her, even the dark secrets.
I pulled her onto my lap and wiped away her tears.
"How much early did he come?" I asked her gently while stroking her back soothingly.

"I was 33 weeks when he came. I was baby shopping with Carina that day when I suddenly felt severe pain and my water broke. Carina had immediately taken me to the hospital and examined me. I was in labor and a few hours later he was born. He was so small and fragile. Carina immediately took him to the NICU and treated him.
Massimo also came to the hospital and we were finally allowed to go to the NICU and see Matteo.
Carina had to tell us that he had a very serious heart defect and that his chances of survival were less than 25% but she did everything for him.
He needed several surgeries including two open heart surgeries.
His condition got better at times but then it got worse again and then it was so bad that his heart started to fail.
Matteo was 7 months old and spent most of that time in the hospital and after bis death my marriage with Massimo also broke down because of our grief. We both grieved differently and Massimo drank a lot, which made him aggressive. In fights or when I have mentioned a separation. He was also partly violent due to the alcohol. That's why I had to leave a few months later in the night. Carina had already been in the U.S. for about 2 months and was conducting a study at your hospital because she had received a research grant.
Andrea then said when I was standing in front of his door at night that we would first visit Carina so that Massimo wouldn't find me. So we flew to the U.S." Adriana told me, wiping away a few tears.

"I am so sorry for what you had to go through,darling. But why isn't Andrew there illegally but you are?"
"Carina got a green card because of the research grant and Andrea got the green card with the residency. I had to turn down the Residence because I got pregnant with Lucia, which is why I didn't get the green card.
But I couldn't go back to Italy either, so I stayed illegally.
I had Lucia at home with Carina's help so I didn't have to go to the hospital and a friend in Italy filled out an italian birth certificate for her and sent it to us."

"That's why it was so hard for you to be back here why you didn't check in with me..."

"Yes, that's why these last four months have been hell for me and I've just been trying to make it somehow, which is why I haven't been in touch much. When Matteo died, I died too.
I never got over that pain and I probably never will but Lucia gave me a lot of strength and hope but when we got back here I fell into this deep hole again" Adriana said and snuggled up to me a little more.

I wiped a strand of hair from her face. "Then we should get out of here quickly. Lucia and I will always be there for you and no matter how deep this hole is, I will always get you out of it."

"That's sweet Jackson but what if I'm too broken and can't get out of this hole?"

"Then I would climb into that hole, if possible and be there for you. I will never leave you alone babe. So how about you pick any city in the US and we fly there tomorrow and get married."

"You really want to get married tomorrow?" she asked me in amazement.

"Yes, because I've never been more sure about anything than I am about you, and the sooner we get married, the sooner you can get a green card and stay in the US with Lucia."

Adriana grinned sweetly at me. "Then let's elope to New York and get married there tomorrow my love."

"Anything you want my love."
I said and kissed her on the forehead.

I took my phone and made a few calls so that everything would work out tomorrow.
In the meantime, Adriana checked on Lucia again because she had woken up briefly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2022 ⏰

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