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Nico suddenly felt all the hope he had drain out of him as Octavian walked to him with his smirk still plastered on his face. He stopped right in front of Nico and Nico was ready to hear all the insults he had ready for him, but no one said anything at all for a second. Just the sounds of his own breathing.

Then soon enough after the silence a loud sound of flesh hitting flesh was heard...yep Octavian slapped him. Hard. Hard enough for him to hit the floor with a thump. Every body in the hallway cleared knowing exactly what was gonna happen next.

Soon no body was around just Nico and Octavian with his minions surrounding him.
"So I guess you finally learned your lesson huh di Angelo?" Octavian spat at him.
Nico couldn't even try to fight back, he felt so numb that all he did was stare up at the ceiling trying not to cry. This was it, he was done, he didn't want to be here anymore, he wanted to go home, see Hazel, or at least get out from under Octavian's shadow but he knew he couldn't.

No matter how hard he tried to move or yell or scream, he felt himself trapped.

He didn't know where to turn to get away but he did anyway, only for Octavian to grab him by the collar and pull him back up.
"You're going nowhere." Octavian growled.

Nico could feel tears welling up in his eyes, he hated this, he hated being weak, he hated feeling like this.

But he also knew that if he fought back it would end badly him  so instead he remained quiet, tears slipping down his cheeks. The pain in his cheek grew more unbearable every second. Finally Octavian released his grip and let him fall to the ground.

Once again his world came to an abrupt stop. Octavian stood there smirking down at him, not even blinking. Then suddenly he took Nico by the arm and dragged him across the hall. Nico's eyes widened in fear, he had never been dragged anywhere before. Octavian then pushed him forward until they reached the bathroom door.

Nico watched as Octavian opened the door and shoved him inside. Octavian slammed the door shut behind him and locked it. His entire body shook when he heard the lock click into place. What now? He thought. All he could do was stare at the wall while he waited.

The first thing Octavian said was "Why can't you just die?" Nico stared in disbelief at the door. Don't you think I've tried? He felt his tears coming to the surface once again. This is why he hated bullies! He cried silently to himself.

Then after what seemed like hours the door handle started turning and then the door opened slowly revealing Octavian's tall figure standing behind the door with an expressionless mask on his face. It wasn't fair; this had to stop right now. Before Nico even had time to react Octavian had grabbed him by the neck and slammed him onto the floor. Nico struggled against Octavian's grasp.

He soon seemed to be losing consciousness but Octavian let go  blacked out completely. After he did Nico's vision began fading and he became very light headed.
The last thing he remembered before everything went black was Octavians laughing at him. He soon left after verbally abusing him.

What had he done to deserve this, he hadn't hurt him, he hadn't killed anyone he loved, he hadn't even talked to him before until last year at the Welcome back ceremony.

Maybe, it's because of the girlfriend incident, but that wasn't the case. Nico had asked so many times but he got was, 'Because you exist'.

{Will's Pov}

I finished talking to Percy and turned back to Nico, only to find him gone. How didn't I notice he left. I looked around frantically until I checked the whole school but still no sign of Nico. There was one place left....the bathroom.

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