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"He....." Suddenly a loud thump was heard upstairs, we directed our attention towards stairs before glancing at each other with looks of worry. We got up and rushed towards the stairs.

Naomi knocked fiercely but no response, "Apollo, go get the spare key." He nodded and did as he was told, he came back with a key and gave it to Naomi who unlocked the door. When we entered we saw Will laying on the floor motionless, Naomi went closer to him and checked his pulse.

"He's alive, bit his pulse is weak. We have to get him to the hospital fast, I can't do this on my own." Apollo went toward Will and picked him up, we dashed out of the door, but apparently Apollo wasn't looking were he was going 'cause Will's head hit the door frame as he was getting out.

"APOLLO!! Be careful, you could have hurt him." Naomi said lightly slapping his arm. Besides that, we got into the care and drove of at high speed.

Now I would have thought that we broke the speed limit but I knew better. In 3mins we were at the hospital, Naomi checked in and took will into a room while telling us to wait outside.

That's what we did.

It took about 15mins before Naomi came back out, she looked relieved so I took that as good news, "He fine, he was just dehydrated and starved. But it seems he has a portion of his memory lost after the hit on the head." She said glaring at Apollo who looked anywhere but at her.

"Can we see him?" Skylar asked, took the words right out of my mouth. Naomi smiled and nodded, "But he's still unconscious so be careful."

She stepped aside and let us enter, we saw Will hooked up to a drip, don't know why but whatever. I sat on a chair beside him while Apollo, Naomi and Skylar stood. I took his hand into mine and squeezed it gently.

This felt weird because of all those things that had been happening between us, never once did I hold his hand. I was nervous. After a few minutes Will began to mumble incoherently. His lips were trembling slightly as he was trying his very best to remain awake, he suddenly opened his eyes startling me.

He tried to sit up but failed a few times, so I helped him. He looked around before he spoke. He looked at me in confusion, that's when I realized the Naomi said that he lot a portion of his memory.

Oh no what if he doesn't remember me?

What now?

Did I just lose my friend?

What if-

"Neeks?" I stared back at him with teary eyes and pulled him into a hug. He remembers me. That's all that matters. But that didn't stop the tears from falling out of my eyes. And I don't know how long that lasted, but when it ended he looked at me and gave me an adorable smile.

He wipped my tears before looking at his family, "What happened?" He asks. They all glanced at each other before looking about at him, "You were starved after not eating the whole day."

He looked slightly confused as to why he was starved but didn't question it. "Okay now follow up question.....Why the helm does my cheek hurt so much." He said grazing his finger over his cheek. We let out light giggles at his usual Willy self, I've never been so happy to see him act so dramatic.

"It's just the after effects of the medicine I gave you." Naomi came up with a lie, I could see she wanted to let every thing go back to normal. He nodded to what she said before letting out a yawn."Now if you would excuse I'd like some sleep." He said shooing us away.

He ajusting his position before closing his eyes, w decided it was the best thing to do after what he had been through even though he didn't know. They left first before me, I made sure that no one was there before planting a short and soft kiss on his forehead.

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