XIX: Nico's Backstory

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Nico was born at Saint Hubert's Hospital in Florence, Italy. He was a cute baby boy with a glow like no other. He was a gift to his family right after his big sister Bianca of course.

He was a happy and bright baby boy right from birth, and this continued until he was 10 years old. He along with his sister and Mother went out to buy some snacks to eat as they prepared for Christmas tomorrow.

They decided to go to a convenience store to get the snacks but before they could even enter a man came up to them and robbed them at gunpoint.

"Give me your purse and valuables lady, and even try any funny business." His voice was gruff as he spoke.

Nico's mom, Maria Di Angelo, took off her necklace and gave him her purse along with it, but that didn't seem to do much as the man showed no mercy.

He pointed his gun right at Nico and Maria caught this action. She stood in front of him before the bullet could hit Nico.

You are probably wondering why that man would try and kill a child, but even they didn't know. The bullet ended up hitting Maria right in the chest and right in the heart.

She fell with a thump as she placed her hand over her chest. Nico knelt beside her with tears in his eyes. He was scared for the life of him but he couldn't bring himself to cry.

His face was filled with fear and anguish as he looked down at his slightly smiling mother who caressed his cheek softly.

Bianca just as scared tried to grab the phone lying right beside that had fallen from her pocket. The robber just stood there overlooking everything with a crazed smirk.

He noticed Bianca and without any guilt shot her right in the head. She was only 13.

Nico just sat there frozen in shock and that gave the robber the good-to-go to run away with the valuables.

Nico quickly got out of his trance and took the now blood-stained phone out of Bianca's hand. He dialed 911 with shaky hands and told them what went down.

When the call cut, he let out wails of despair as he felt his mom go stiff and his sister's heavy breathing seize. He was broken as his better halves had been taken away from him. Their last words were, 'I love you my little prince' and 'Take care buddy'.

Fast forward at least 6 years, Nico had moved to New York as a result of his father trying to expand his business.

There he experienced emotional and physical pain that even he couldn't imagine. Octavian used to be a good friend of his until he was met with a scene of his girlfriend pushing herself unto Nico.

But he mistook the situation, he yelled at Nico as to why he would betray their friendship. Which led to Nico blurting out that he was gay.

He hid it from Octavian when he found out how much he despised gays. Now that the cat was out of the bag his life turned into a living hell.

To top it all off with a nice cherry, he found out that when he was about 6 years old his dad cheated on his mom and even had a daughter, whom we all came to know as Hazel.

Her mom died in a fire which people suspect her of starting since her mom was a drunkard and always hurt Hazel, so they just assumed she did this to ease her pain.

This leads us to where we are now, Will and Nico kissing as they shed tears of relief and happiness.

Double Update

A/N: This is for all the missed updates


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