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Will's Pov}

We walked for about 12 mins after we got off the bus, we made it Nico's house and damn. His house was huge, from the giant garden out front to the massive gates separating us from it. There was pillars with dogs on them and lanterns dangling from the tip of the door.

The were about 5 patios at the top floor, with only one light on.

Nico turned to me "Well this is my stop, goodbye." He said without a moments thought. So I just yelled after him to make sure he heard me before he entered. "Good night see you tomorrow Sunshine." He was about to close the door but he held out his middle finger at me first. I just laughed it off.

I then made my way home, my house wasn't that far just 2 blocks away, so I was fine.

Nico's Pov}

I watched him go down the street and turn a corner before he was out of my sight, then I tried to tiptoe upstairs to my room so that Hazel doesn't see or hear me. When I entered my room and put on my light I saw her sitting on my bed with her arms and legs crossed.

"Where were you Nico It's like 7:05 in the evening. What if you were kidnapped?" She asked with a glare and worry in her voice.

"At 7:05 in the evening?" I said with a raised eyebrow before putting my bag in my desk and flopping on my bed beside her.

"Yes. Now care to tell me who that boy was?" Darn it she saw, why couldn't she be asleep when I want her to. I sat up and faced her before trying to explain.

"He's just--". I was cut if by a loud gasp.

"Nico, what happened to your nose and wrist." She said scared. "Was it that boy? Oh when I see him again--"

"No, no it wasn't him, he was the one who helped me." I explained, cause I don't want Will to face Hazel's rath.

"Then who did this?"

"Can you take a guess?"

".....Tsk, Octavian huh? That bastard."

I told her everything that happened, well except for the fact that Will freaking Solace spoon feed me of course. I also showed her all my injuries from my shoulder to my knee.

"That Will Solace boy, seems to have helped you quite a lot. Tommorow I'll make brownies, be sure to give them to him for me as a thank you gift." She said excitedly taking my hands into hers.

"Sure, now can I get some rest, I feel weirdly tired." I said with a yawn, she nodded and planted a kiss on my forehead before putting of the light and exiting.

I went over the usual routine before falling straight on my bed, man today was tiring, and that energy ball just made things far more tiring.

I felt very tired but my eyes refused to close, so I just laid there staring at the ceiling like I usually do.

Today felt odd to me, unlike my usual routine today felt as if my loopy day was broken. All the stuff I usually do was as if yesterday was just another day, as if it was a random day.

By now I would be asleep but as I said today my loop was broken so now wasn't any different. I continued to stare at the ceiling until my eyes felt heavy.

Why do I feel like tomorrow is gonna be just as exhausting as today was?.....Probably nothing.

The next day.

{Will's Pov}

I made my way to the bus stop, I got on and saw someone i was sure I got rid of, I turned my head around to find another seat but there was no way around this.

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