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Soon the movie was over and Will had fallen asleep on Mrs O'Leary's back. Both of them sleeping soundly.

It is currently 6:45pm and Hazel was still not home, I wonder if Will will be able to go home this late. I cleaned up the living room to avoid doing it later, then I got a blanket for Will since I can't possibly carry him.

I draped it over him and for a second my hand brushed over his hair and I knew it was as soft as it looked.

*Ding dong*

I checked the porch cam and saw it was Will's twin sister again.

"Um...Hello, I brought Will's clothes over since it looks like he'll be sleeping over." She handed me a backpack.

{Skylar's Pov}

A few hours ago

Oh that boy is so gonna get it, I didn't even back up my phone, shit. I saw him enter some random house which I assume he was in a hurry to go to.

I jogged right to the porch and knocked like crazy. Soon a boy opened the door, he was shorter than me by at least a couple of inches, his head reached my nose. He had shoulder length hair and the deepest of brown eyes and Oh my gods..he has the looks of an angel.

No Skylar now's not the time, it's Will's death day now. "Um..excuse me. Have you seen my brother? He is this tall, same features as me but a boy."

"No I haven't seen such a person." Great, he's lying now? Will must have put this Angel up to this...soon Will....soon.

"Oh okay. But if you do see him do tell him.....he always has to come back home and I'll be there, in case you're wondering, my name is Skylar Solace." I added my last name for finesse but I'm sure Will would have told him anyway.

*Present time.

It's the angel again...but why didn't Will tell me about him. Could Will want him for himself, *gasp*  shame Will, shame.

When I gave him the bag our fingers brushed together, I just wanna kiss him so bad. No Skylar control yourself, I'll ask Will about him when he comes home.

"Thank" This is how you get a boys name girls write this down.

"Nico Di Angelo." Yes! Told ya, I'm just that good. Wait his name is literally Nico the Angel, I knew it.

"Well thank you Nico, I know how Will can be sometimes but you can still tolerate him and for that thank you." That was the last thing I said before I turned to walk away. This is how you get a boy to think about you okay? Just be mysterious....are you writing this down?

{Nico's Pov}

I don't think that girl is Will's sister, but she sure was.....interesting

I closed the door and went back to the living room, I saw Will and Mrs O'Leary shift at the same time and scratch behind thier ears. Wow, he's really like a dog, he reminds me of a golden retriever.

Mrs O'Leary woke up first and intended to stretch so I lifted Will's head off of her and put him on my lap. When moving his head I obviously touched his hair and it's just too soft...I couldn't help myself.

I ran my hand through his hair and he let out a satisfied sigh. Nope reminds my of a cat actually...a lanky cat.


Hazel came home at 9:34pm and by then I was scrolling through my phone with Will's head on my lap and my hand brushing through it.

"Well it looks like you two had fun." She came over and ruffled my hair, we talked about our day in hushed voices to avoid waking up Will. We said goodnight after we were done before she went up stairs.

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