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I woke up to an empty mattress, he must've left to go home or something. I got up at 6:03am, wait why was I awake at 6:00am?

Whatever, I'll just get ready. I bathed, brushed my teeth, got dressed and made my way down stairs. When I opened the door I was hit with the smell of freshly cooked food, soon hazel also opened her then who's cooking?

"Oh...Nico? If you're here then who's cooking?"

"Come on, you know I'm not even capable of frying an egg without burning it."

We both went down stairs to meet a table with strips of bacon, a jug of orange juice and milk, a few pieces of toast with butter, and pancakes. A bit too much if you ask me but I won't talk.

But still, who made all this?

My question was answered when Will came and put a bottle of syrup on the table beside the pancakes. "Oh, did I wake you up?"

"No...but did you make all this." Hazel motioned to the food on the table as I just continued to gawk at it. "Yes, yes I did. I just lose control in the kitchen and I ended up making too much food." He scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"Oooo, Nico, he's a keeper." She whispered and nudged me in the arm jokingly. I just glared at her and she held up her hands in defense.

"Thanks, Will. This is lovely." Hazel sat down while Will dished out her food. Hazel motioned for me to sit down while Will put a plate by an empty chair, for me of course.

I sat down and we started eating, after we were done we went to the bus station to wait for a bus to take us to school.

We were finally at school, and I wanted nothing more than to escape but I'm too afraid of being late and missing another day of school.
Before leaving I grabbed my stuff and told Will good luck on whatever he was gonna do.

I made my way to my first class of the day, and my favorite, Art class.

It's the one class that I can get away with skipping.
Today they were starting off with drawing. The teacher handed out some pencils and paper while we were busy drawing, which was great because I didn't have anything else to do in the morning.

The teacher instructed all the students to draw the people they liked, they could only draw their parents if they wanted, but if you drew your crush you had to include that as an element of your drawing. It would be kinda weird to draw your crush, right?
Right, yeah that makes sense.


I decided to draw my mom and dad sitting next to each other on their beach house. Well, they were sitting together because I was sketching my own parents.
They looked happy. I looked down at the paper and stared hard at it trying to focus on the shapes. I tried to copy every detail of their faces, I wanted everything to be perfect. After about thirty minutes of drawing them, I had completed half of the picture and I had no idea what else I was supposed to do.

I don't know why but I suddenly had flashbacks of last night when Will came over.
I snapped back to reality and I realized that my teacher has started talking. "Okay class, it's time to submit your work."

I don't want to go into details at what happened so I'm just gonna say, I was the best. I would be lying when I say I wasn't feeling proud right about now. Anyway I made my way to the library but was abruptly stopped by the huge commotion happing right in the middle of the hallway as people kept gathering around.

"WILL, LOOK AT ME WHEN I TALK TO YOU!!" Wait Will? What's going on? But since I was too short I couldn't really see, and that voice, I've never heard it before.
I pushed my way to the front to see what was happening.

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