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{Will's Pov}


I decided to get off at the next stop and wait for Nico to at least pass by but nope, nothing. So I decided to go back, and when I went back I was met with his backpack and skull ring which mind you he never takes off so I got extremely worried.

'Nico please be alright.' I thought.

I grabbed his backpack and slung it over my arm before picking up his ring and slipping it unto my hand. I checked all around that area but there was no sign of him anywhere. I stopped and bent over to catch my breath and that is when I heard muffled cries coming from an alley right beside me, as curious as I am I peeked to see if someone was in trouble only to be met with Nico being pinned to the wall by Octavian, why am I not surprised.

I dropped the bags and quietly crept towards Octavian and picked up a piece of wood conveniently placed beside a rusty bin. I went behind him and swung with enough force but not enough that it could kill him.

I dropped the wood and grabbed my phone to call 911 as Nico gasped and Coughed. I went towards Nico with worry and before he fainted I could see the faintest of smiles on his face filled with happiness and mixed with pain.

After I called the authorities I went over to Nico and examined him, there was a purple-reddish bruise on his neck, from the result of him being strangled.

I placed his head on my lap and stroked his hair as I prayed silently that he would be fine. Why does this always happen to him? Even though I have known him for only a couple of weeks, that was enough for me to know that he has been through a lot of shit.

A few minutes later an ambulance arrived along with a police car. (Yes they are still in the alley) 2 policemen stepped out of the car and carried Octavian away in handcuffs.

A few paramedics came out of the ambulance with a stretcher, they hoisted Nico up unto it before moving him to the ambulance. I asked if I could go with them, and they were reluctant at first but in the end, they agreed.


We soon reached the hospital and I was asked to wait in the, you know, waiting room. We have skipped school a lot lately, haven't we? I decided to call Hazel to inform her of the problem.



"...Hello Will? Is something wrong?" From there I told her everything that occurred, saying she was mad was an understatement, she was livid.

She hung up after saying she was on her way. I took the time to look around and this place looks familiar somehow. "Will?" I winced, that's how the place looked familiar my dad works here.

"What are you doing here?" I turned to face him, he was wearing a white coat over his normal clothes with a clipboard in his hand. "Well, you see..."

"What?! That brat did what? Oh my goodness is he okay?"

"I don't know, I'm not informed yet, he was just taken in."

"...I'm on my way to a patient that was just admitted maybe it's him. I'll keep you updated okay?" He said ruffling my hair before going off.

I hope he is okay.

I don't see why they do this to him, he's a sweetie...when he wants to be of course. He may have his moments but that isn't enough to hurt him like this. This is just like the first day I met him, he was so eager to leave the classroom that I thought he had to use the washroom, so I let him be. Now I know he was trying to escape.

Then there was the time I found him in the hallway rolled up in the corner and the thing was whoever did this wanted to hurt him so bad that he couldn't walk.

This place is so fucked up.

I waited a few minutes lost in thought that I didn't notice Hazel walk up to me. She tapped me and the shoulder and I was brought out of my daze. "Great you're here." I pulled her into a hug and she returned it. We pulled away and took a seat.

"Is he okay?"

"I don't know I was not informed yet." With that, we were immersed in silence, nothing was said and nothing needed to be said.

Just after a few minutes, dad came up to me and I shot up quickly and waited for any type of news that was about to be given.

"So far he's fine, but I won't guarantee that for long. He seems to have fainted due to the lack of oxygen and that could have affected him if you didn't get there in time."

"Don't ask me how, just know that he's safe." My dad interrupted me before I could raise the question.

We thanked him and asked if we could see him, he said yes but we shouldn't put him in a state of unease. We only needed to hear yes.

We rushed in, we were just eager to see him. He looked so peaceful yet so drained, I hate seeing him like this.

I went beside him and sat on the chair next to me and took his hand into mine 'I'm so sorry neeks, I couldn't be there for you.' I thought as tears slid down my face. I placed a light kiss on his forehead and stroked his hair.

I almost forgot Hazel was there if she didn't put a hand on my shoulder. "You like him don't you?" Hazel asked with a sad smile and all I did was nod with my eyes still fixated on Nico's sleeping face.

"Listen Will I think it's time I told you about Nico and Octavian." Hazel sat down on the other side. She started with how they met and how things went astray. After everything anger filled my heart. How could he do this and all because his girlfriend forced herself on Nico?

If anything he should be doing this to her not Nico, he did nothing wrong.

Hazel just sighed and turned to leave, "Tell him I'll see him at home, and tell him how you feel before it's too late." After that, she walked out.

I thought back to all of the things she said and this just filled me with more hatred. Anger tears streamed down my face and I whipped them away equally as fast.

Octavian is gonna get it, for my name isn't Will Solace.

(A/N: I know I'm updating twice, weird right? I just forgot how much I loved writing so yeah. I'm thinking of making a Solangelo in apocalypse type story, would you read?)


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